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the short answer is no.

putting a male and a female in a tank - having a cave or hidy hole for the male to choose - some wood for them to eat. oh and of course water for them to swim in and leave them to it.

when they are ready they will breed.

once eggs are laid the male will fan them for approx 5 days when they will hatch so will look like eggs with tails and within a few days they will be free swimming.

problem can be that once bristles start to breed they can/will breed regular for some time ie once the fry become free swimming the male is likely to court the female again and have another batch within two weeks.

but there have been posts/thread on here asking why a bristle pair isn't breeding. there can be times when they are "dormant" having a rest. appears to be no reason for this and doesn't mean they won't start again when they are ready.

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Yep, agree with everyone else. hard to stop once they start! I have 2 pairs at the moment (which are going next week sometime hopefully!) and they just pump out the babys like nothing ive ever seen! i used to have a trio of Very big fish, but even they didnt pump out as many as i have at the moment! they are all VERY small still though, and ive made no effort to save them, but there isnt realy anything in their tanks that will eat them....

Get a male and female, and wait. they WILL eventually breed

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Not the only way. But it's the most definitive way. If you have a batch all hatched at the same time the larger ones will usually be male.

And males and females also usually have slightly different body shapes. Males are more triangular from the pectoral fins to the tail, females tend to be wider and then narrow towards the tail.



If that works...But it can be hard to tell without two next to each other and it's not guaranteed.

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