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carbon in a planted tank


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to anyone who has a planted tank, do you use activated carbon?

the reason i am asking is it seems to be getting costly having to change it all the time, at the end of the day do i need activated carbon or should i just chuck in sum more noodles.

also i have noticed my noodles are getting a dirty sludge covering them, do i need to clean them or is it all good to just forget about them.


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using it I think depends if you want clear water (eg to get rid of tanin from the water caused by wood). Carbon can also take out some of the nutrients you have put in with feritilizer. You could use seachems purigen, costs a bit more but can last up to bout 6 months, and leaves nutrients alone

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I use Seachem's Purigen. It doesn't seem to strip the fertiliser nutrients but does grab colours (tannins etc) and seems to grab oils and proteins well also.

It's not cheap to buy but can be regenerated. I've had mine for over 10 years regenerating it every month for about $0.25 each time. I use budget bleach (about 1/4 of a bottle) and 2 teaspoons of sodium thiosulphate to kill the bleach during the regen process.

It makes the water very clear and sparkly. It works better than activated carbon and lasts longer for the same volume.

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Mine cost me an arm and a leg...

I got 25kg over 10 years ago for about $75.00

I've been slowly using it ever since but still have most of it.

I only got so much because I also use it to make the filter pleated cartridge filters safe as well. I use 15 micron on the inlet water to my trickle filter. It also makes the water look perfectly clear.

You want some?

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I wanted some to neutralize chlorine from decapsulated brine shrimp cysts. All the info from Mrs Google said to neutralize with vinegar but I couldn't figure how the chemistry of that worked. The chemist could only get solution and it was a ridiculous price (probably analytical grade). Do you know where I could get some solid without selling the family farm?

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