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Help me decide: 2 foot Tank - Freshwater Native or Marine


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Very confused.

Can't decide what to go for.


2foot Freshwater Community tank :-

Crayfish, few bullys, couple of freshwater mussels. Few plants.


2foot Marine Tank.

Soft corals, & Anenomies, couple of shrimp, seahorse & perhaps some little fish. Clown?

I'd need to buy all equip for the marine tank ofc, and there is no way that i'd be able to run a sump on it, but i would have room for a HOB skimmer, and because of the prices, i'd be able to cook the rocks for a while.

Any ideas on equipment for either tank would be muchly appreciated :)

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I am currently using a 2nd hand water cooler and running the water from sump through it, working for 10 months now, took a while to cool it properly about 2 days but maintained an even temp ever since.

cost me $40

keep rock pool stuff, triplefins, crested blenny, parore, spotty, seahorses. and a young leather jacket.

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Could do a closed loop system thru the chiller. I'm sure the salties will be able to help you set one up.

Check out Melevs "Closed-Loop" set up and modify it a little to suit a chiller.

Not sure if you would need a scwd so you may be able to yank that part out and set-up hosing to the chiller then back to the tank. Don't think you would need both the pipes coming off the SCWD cos you'll only have 1 coming off the chiller. Once again the salties can help on this.

Just an option. :)

Just click on closed loop and it'll take you straight there.

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check out my photos in the sig below of native freshwater. :)

You will need a way of cooling native freshwater too. I have a chiller but I think it struggles to cope with the volume. Am a totally convert to using a fan 24/7 directed at the surface of the water.

Go for what you can:


are near to the habitat to collect/learn

get information on

Native marine CAN be done without all the fancy gear, but I do think a cooling system is vital (having lost freshwater natives to a temp spike).


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Lol.. look for a new flatmate, one with a chronic sinus problem or stick a car frsherner on the side... it'll smell like after-tobacco. :)

If i may make a suggestion why not a koura/crayfish tank? Saw a couple at jansens albany look pretty cool, and ya dun need a chiller or a heater. Dump in some freshwater mussels and then its kinda like a native freshwater tank...

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good choice 8) :wink:

Go for a smaller cray if you are planning to get fish. Makes for less stress.

Always remember that you are not allowed to put a native fish into a waterway that it did not originate from. So note where you are going if it is far from home.

Actually it is really handy to make notes of where, when and how long things were when you got them. Useful to look back on and check they are growing.

Any questions, just ask :) Natives rock :bounce:

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