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For your info, New Import regs


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I have found it a lot easier for many eyes to search to find the hidden secrets.

So I am showing you this link so you can hunt down your favourites, read, cry, get angry, stamp your feet, then tell us about it in the thread with your posts.

No use swearing on the thread either, it will only get deleted, and don't go off your face at the authorities and say what you'd like to do with them or give their questioable ancestory.

This could lead to the whole thread being deleted and loosing good, shared information.

Get out there breeding the ones that won't be permitted as these will then be the only stock available in the very near future to us hobbiest in New Zealand.

The thread is.


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How would one go about adding new fish to the list, if they're already here and have been for some time?

Shows how up-with-the-play they are, they're still using the genus 'Cichlasoma'! At least "Cichlasoma" festae, such a cool fish, I wonder why I've never seen them for sale here... :(

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Is the new list a closed one ?

I have helped in a small way with an ERMA application to have palms brought into the country.

the process requires someone dedicated, who likes research and has some hours and money to waste.

what makes it easier is if you can prove the animal has been recorded here before.

an environmental impact report needs to be done, will it survive in the wild, what will it eat etc.

so we have to be happy with what they allow us to keep.

cheers mark

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Some of the info I was given is wrong mako, I see there are still livebearers and labyrinths in there.

Can't see the ctenapomas tho.

Don't ask what was on the other list, just look for the ones that you would like if you could get them.

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does this show fish now not aloud or fish that are allowed? If it is not allowed then im not too happy!!!

look 4 posts previously for your answer-

Part D: APPENDIX ONE contains a list of the ornamental fish and marine invertebrates eligible for importation into New Zealand

Able to be imported, yes.

It seems that the Killifish have been nuked off the list, can anone confirm this?

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