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Snails : (


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I have a community tank that has heaps of little snails in it. I think they got into the tank from some weed i got from a pet shop a few weeks ago. I have been picking them out as i have been finding them and then yesterday i had an all out war on them and found tonnes. Dont think i am going to get rid of them just by picking them out as i keep finding more and more : ( is there any easy way of getting rid of them short of empyting the tank (which i really dont want to do!) i woundnt mind so much if they were the sanils that grew big but im pretty sure they are the little varieties that you find in ponds etc. Any help would be appreciated :D

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a clown loach or similar would deal to them, I don't think even pulling the tank apart would be a sucessful way of getting rid of them as they get everywhere, filters and in the gravel...

Good luck!!! I have just learnt to live with them in one of my smaller tanks but i have 6 clown loaches in my big tank so i just chuck them in there and they disapear hehe

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They will find their own balance after a while, and will help keep the algae down in the tank.

you can get some products that kil them, but don't know how well they work. if you do decide to use one, keep and eye on the tank all those snails dieing at once could cause problems.

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I have the same thing in my small tank, just little one that dont' get bigger than 3mm. I have gone to the extent of stripping everything and giving it a good soak in bleach.....was snail-less for about a month and then they reappeared. If they could survive the bleaching I decided that there will be nothing that will get rid of them. I had loaches in there for a while, they got very fat and had to be moved out to the biger tank. goodluck in finding a solution

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you can buy little trp things- i have never used one because I breed my snails to feed to my puffer but I believe it is a baited system- try your lfs or i believe there is a stockist on tm, however I just searched and I couldn't find any for sale currently- bummer!

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I was told scunk loaches would work as I had a snail problem - so I went and got a couple - my snail population has taken an extreme dive. I now find the odd one not an infestation like I used to have.

so I recommend a scunk loach or two - they have a great personality.

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Thanks for all the advice :D just been looking in my tank again and have found more :evil: i really cant believe how fast they multiply! at least if they grew big then i could actually find them to pick them out, but they are the nasty little wee ones. rrrrr

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Man I hate snails :evil: Why did I ever introduce those rams horns? and why didn't I put the plants into quarantine?

I've tried Snail Rid, squashing them and a variety of loaches including:

Clown, Yo-yo, Angelicus, Chain and Skunk.

I've had three types of snail infestations and they still come back again and again. I can't seem to get rid of them, but after a while they can be kept under control.

Chain Loaches seem to work well against those little ones, I guess they don't make much of a meal for the larger loaches.

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You can buy products like 'Snail Rid'. Not sure how good they are.

We have pond snails breeding and living in most of our cannister filters. I'd say either boiling gravel etc or chemical treatment is the only way. I leave mine in the cannisters because the adults come out, I pick them up, and feed them to our oscars :) who think they're the best thing since beef-heart.

They're harmless unless you're trying to raise fish eggs. They help consume excess food and algae, and dont eat your plants. If you really dont want them, I'd say try chemical treatment.

The big big snails are the guys that cause problems eating plants etc.

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I had a snail infestation in my tank, bought a couple of Zebra Loaches (botia striata) and they cleaned up the majority of snails within a couple of days.. and within a couple of weeks it was very hard to try and spot a stray one getting around the tank. These loaches don't grow as big as the clown loaches so a better option for a smaller tank.

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