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Breeding Mountain Minnows???

Keri Anne

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Breeding Mountain Minnows???

Okay, I’m naughty… I bought some fish without doing my research…. But I do know a *little* about them.

As some of you will know I went up to Auckland for a few days to visit my Father. Before I went up I set up and cycled 3 tanks “Just in case†and it’s a good thing I did. We went to check out Hollywood’s and I was mesmerised by the “Sunset†Mountain Minnows. I just HAD to have them and I really want to breed them.

I know that they are sub-tropical and I know that they are “Egg-scatterersâ€. The wonderful sales assistants taught me how to sex them. [if the boss is reading this your staff rock!! They were very helpful :D]

What I was wondering is if anybody with experience on breeding Mountain Minnows would be able to give me any helpful advice.

I will try and get some good pics and post them in the weekend.

Cheers, KA

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i saw them last visit too and ALMOST had to buy some :)

lots of floating plants , parents don't seem to eat either eggs or small fry , started on liquid fry food for the first week after free swimming them miroworms then very finelt crushed quality flake and seemed to have no problems ,...good luck KA :)

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In my experience they are not like most fish which you can condition up then spawn and get heaps of eggs. Regardless of condition they lay a few eggs and virtually all the time. They are not realy tropical fish and breed best and look best at lower temperatures. In Christchurch they will be starting to breed in outside ponds about now.

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lots of plants for the young to hide in

fill tank with water and then leave them alone.

no need to change water either :lol:

I have my 2 tanks sitting on a window sill and the plants and wcmm are doing really well

but they have to be in a tank by themselves

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I have my sunset minnows in the bottom of my newts tank and they have bred once so far (only had them a couple of months). I think they like the Java moss to scatter their eggs in and an unheated tank. My fry died though when I moved them from the tank, I believe they need well oxygenated water?! I would leave them in that tank next time as the parents didn't seem too interested in eating them :D

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I started with 4 normal minnows and now have over 20. My tank is unheated and I have found that they are almost seasonal breeders but can be tricked. When we have a very hot day and the temp rises to about 22-25*C the males start displaying and getting frisky with the girls. I don't remove fry and its the only tank that is fully loaded with duck weed (floating and very good for this) and java moss.

I did have some in a heated tank but found that they didn't seem that interested to breed in there. I wonder if they breed with a temp change? As that is how it has been for me so far.

Due to the minnows having very small mouths as it is they always get feed a combo of crushed and super fine crushed flake to make sure that if any babies are in there that they are able to get something. Often fed microworms.

Good luck and I to would love to see a pic of the "sunset" minnows.


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I'm trying to breed my "albino" minnows :roll: :oops: :roll: :oops: :lol:

I just have a group in an outdoor pond that is reasonably planted, the water has now turned slightly green so I can't see these albino animals :o but i'm hoping to have a pond full by winter :-? :oops:

Good luck with yours, they aren't albinos with the red eyes just called sunset are they?

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When they came out to HWFF they had them labled as albinoes, I pointed out that they didn't have the pink eyes so they have now apparently changed their name to "sunset".

So they just look like an albino WCMM without the pink eyes.

I still prefer the naturals.

Alan 104

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Thats interesting.....Its too late to get mine out of the pond to see if they have red eyes :( I got them from Albany Hollywood fish farm and i'm sure they had the pink eyes which is why I got them, knowing they were 'albinos'. But now I think about it, maybe they are sunsets instead, do albinos ever sell in petshops?

Sorry KA i'm probably going off the topic slightly, just curious if mine could be albino or sunset :-?

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yeah been breeding both types for a while now. for some reason they dont breed as easily as the normal color type [for me anyway]. i think its cuz of all the inbreeding to get the color line so i am in the process of crossing out then back in, still getting a few dark dots on the off springs but have noticed a lot stronger line and they're getting much easier to breed.

have only manage to sell off 2 batch to LFS and since then lost a whole tank load due to heater [though i'll be smart and introduce a heater during winter :roll: :roll:]

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/here-v ... tml#163713

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They are currently in a small Q tank (no heater) and I was planning on moving them into a 2-footer (no heater) once I can get a pile of plants and get it sorted.

The "unheated" tanks in my fish room tend to average between 18-24 degrees due to most of the tanks being heated.

I was planning to put them on the bottom row of tanks, as they tend to stay a degree or two cooler on hot days. The tank I have in mind is already cycled. It is the tank furthermost away from my air pump so even though I’m running an under-gravel filter it’s only a gentle flow. – The babies should be alright with this, right? I have very much the same set-up for my leopard fish and they seem to be breeding fine.

From what you’ve all said it sounds like I’m on the right track. I will post pics when I can.

I’ve been told that the line is not fully “Set†yet and there was some good variation of colouration to the fish in the tank. I made a point of getting a mix of fish in the hope that I can develop two similar but different strains.

IOU1 you are welcome to “Thread-jack†now go catch one of those fish and confirm what they are… you have me curious now.

Fishboi I may have to hit you up some time next year for some of the ones you’ve out-crossed and back-crossed.

Cheers, KA

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