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HOW is everyones frontosa doing................


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Hi alan,

i add burundi coz they look like burundi, but yes as i have said C.Frontosa.

and thanks. i am still in oz, haven't left craig overthere and come home yet, i got some frontosa's to buy overhere,hell that's what i came over the ditch for, abit prizie thou gotta save pennies.

how's all ya fish going, any new killies?


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Hi Shell

Are you getting your fronts overthere from Darren aka Sealord, he's got some nice fronts on his website. My fronts are doing well and growing fast the biggest is nearly hitting the 4 inches mark. Once again thanks for giving us the chance to have this wonderful fish.

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Hey guys

Hopefully I will helping shell get some really nice frontosa from here

Darrens fish are amazing Very Very good quality Frontosa

Also guys I would just be calling your frontosa simply frontosa

Unless they were Imported as Burundi which Shell has told us didnt happen then no location can be right


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We are going around in circles. :lol:

" look" like kigamo,but they are C.Frontosa.
Well they didn't really, to those that have seen or kept real Kigoma.

As Brad said, they are only called frontosa, as this is what all old school fronnies around the world are called. The story of the heritage is explained in a link I put up. They most likely stem back to the burundis, as explained. But you will never be 100% sure of that unless DNA is done.

Its no biggy, look at all the other old school cichlids...electric yellows, black calvus, brichardi etc, all the newly exported have variants. Just the old school ones don't.

Darrens are nice, he is a bit of a fronnie nut. Here we now have German Imports & wild caughts available from importers. I would, befriend a shop owner, say I want a few of these guys"variant", go to the wholesaler yourself{take shop owner too lol} & pick out exactly what you want. A friend of ours did exactly that with his Ikolas. Brad has put pics up of those. very nice!!!

Frenchy :D

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hi guys,

no fronts yet,still saving,i figured i may as well get what i have always wanted zaires and mimpwe's so will take awhile. have been having some fun with the local fauna though,we have some bearded lizards,my son has a pair and i found a sick little feller called him alfy,got some mealworms and crickets breeding and now alfy is well on the mend,and yes did go get my permit.they are so cool have some sharp teeth got to keep some detol handy for if they bite,they have a nasty bacteria.

well at least i have a great food source for my fronts when i get them,i now have more mealworms than i know what to do with,my rockcod loves them.

you guy's fronts sound like they are all doing very well.keep up the great work guy's.


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Currently have 10 Fronts, 6 Pemba's

If all goes well have another 4 fronts going in next week

And if if goes really well, will be adding in a few more Pemba's.

Better start hunting around for a 6 footer!



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