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its a sad day


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its a sad day today got up an went to turn the lights on in the fish room to find a wet floor i thought i left the hose on as i did water changes last nite but no i found my divide four foot had spilt the bottom wot a mess heaps of loses two heaters filters dont sound to good

breeding pair of bristlenose ,the last of my gbas , heaps of my fancy guppies an heaps of high fin swordtails but owell thats life :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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at least there was nothing you could've done mate.... i know the feeling i fried 6 discus when i accidentally turned up a heater (with no gauge on it) and it went up to 40d celsius. Even put a thermometer gauge in and forgot to check it in the morning.. got home to the tragedy. I guess it's something we all risk by not being able to be with our fish all the time. You will feel better in time friend.

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I would think of it like would you rather someone died in a car crash or a brain hemorrhage? One's avoidable the other isn't. Just the way I see it anyway, but I know what you mean, if it was a simple cause then it could be corrected. Maybe an ornament or heavy rock or something became displaced and fell cracking the bottom. That happened to a member of our club here, but he was able to salvage everything before it was too late.

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Sorry to hear your sad news :(

We had our 6fter blow out in our lounge at 4 o'clock in the morning... seal lifted down the bottom and it was all over.... I woke up to this whirring sound, like there was a helicopter in the darn house!!! Happened to be our 2 big external filters running dry! :o

Managed to save all our central americans... phew! But it drained my linen cupboard of towels (thank goodness we didn't have our carpet down at that time).. and at 7 that same morning I was due to drive to Auckland :roll:

It was a case of bugger the water running through the house, grab the damn fish that are flopping around on the stones :-?

Turns out the tank maker didn't let the silicone cure as long as he should, misread the instructions, we were spewing as it could have happened while we weren't home and we would have lost all our big fish :-?

Tank was redone, at NO CHARGE :lol:

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Hi Steve,

Very sorry to hear about the disaster. I've got some guppies and some bristlenoses that you can have if you want.



I just love this place. There is always someone willing to offer help :):)

Sorry to hear about what has happened. What a tragedy.

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