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Everything posted by Control

  1. Pomereef Exactly An 85 year old would most likely know. A 17 year old wouldn't care, wouldn't listen and would end up with the car being impouned with loss of liceince regardless of what the dealer said. The simple solussion is to not support shops that don't support you and the way you want to be treated. Unfortunately some people don't have allot of choice. Probably. I think that would be covered by this. Unfortunately they only have to do what comsumer law requires them too. This is where the changes need to be made in this country. Aaron
  2. Pomereef I love their colour, but i think it also got alot to do with what's availible and what is on the allowed list. Aaron
  3. I agree that the shops should make sure you are aware of the basic requirements for what they are selling, I just don't beleave they should have to go any further than that. They're there to sell a product, they're not there to teach marine biollogy and shouldn't be expected to. You don't go and buy a car and then expect them to give you a mechanic's apprentiship. Aaron.
  4. Control


    Shall I bring it around so you can look at the real thing some time. The tank wont mind. Aaron
  5. Control


    There has been allot of research done by many people on the benifits of current as opposed to surge and surge seems to win every time. The problem with allot of the methods used is that they stop and start pumps which is not good for them. It is easy to make a surge device that only requires a small pump that can run constantly with out stopping and starting. My controller can be and comes preprogramed with the ability to increace the intensity based on the season. but unless the gear was in another room away from the tank the soliniods in the X -10 recievers would drive you nuts stopping and starting all the time. Some pumps are just as noisey. Aaron
  6. There has been no abuse from anyone here we are trying to get you out of a bad situation. Anemonies are amazing animals and they can live in very difficult conditions when they are in tidal pools, some are easy to keep and some aren't there is alot of info in the web on them. I don't think it's fear to blame the shops, they shouldn't have to give people lectures whenever someone buys something. The costomer should ask what is required to keep them before they buy. Aaron
  7. They look good. Nice simple filter system to. Aaron.
  8. How long have you been keeping marines. Anemonies are not for beginners, there are alot of people that beleave they should be left in the reef because of the light and conditions they need to survive. If your intention was to give clowns an anemone, there was no need, they don't need one to survive in a tank and they will happily use many other things including corals. Aaron.
  9. Control

    Italian TOTM

    Nice but it doesn't look very natural the way he has set it up. Especially at the bottom. Aaron
  10. I have in the past used alot of aeration as the water enters the sump to disperse the ozone with great success and I also use carbon with no problems. An O3 test kit will tell him if he has a problem with ozone. I think he may have more of a problem with his redox level if it is not controlled, anyone using UV and/or ozone should have it controlled, without it it's like having a hammer without a handle which is pretty much useless if the redox is to high it can be lethal. We need to no more about his system because this is just a posibility at the moment. Aaron.
  11. Wok The artical that I read was far more recent than that. Aaron.
  12. If you are running UV you are createing ozone. Are you controlling the UV with a redox controller, your redox level could be to high. You could have ozone in the tank. Do you run the output from the UV straight to the skimmer and then through carbon to remove the ozone. Please discribe the layout around the UV, what goes where. Get an O3 test kit Red Sea makes them, it must read zero Aaron
  13. Do you no which country it came from? Has it ever eaten well? When it was in the shop did you see it eating well? Do you no how long it was from being shipped in to you buying it? How long have you had it? It could be cyanide, they all claim not to use it but alot still do. When they are posioned there system slowly shuts down, they can last for over a month it depends on how much they had.
  14. Haven't seen the latest consumer. When there up at that level of quality the value for money and how many litres they remove is my only issue. Wok How many litres does the Woods remove and do they rate the quality as high as the others. Aaron.
  15. Control


    Reactors are simple. Why not just make one. Aaron
  16. Only snorkeling I'd love to go diving one day. Aaron.
  17. Pies wrote I have an Daikin heat pump system, they are the best if you are going to get one. I deliberately oversized it for the requirement and don't regrett it. I also have a Delonghi Eco, I will never buy that brand again. The next dehumidifier that I buy will be a Suki or Mitshubishi since they are supposed to be as good as each other in reliabilty. The Suki has a few less features but they're 1/3 the price so I'll probably get a Suki Heat pumps and dehumidifiers have an automatic cutoff regardless of setting so the humidity will not go below a certain level. I think the recomended level for Humans 60% or 65% which is where most heathumps go to. Dehumidifiers can have theres safety cutoff at around 50%. Dehumidifier have the advantage that they pass the air through the hot part of the cycle before the cold which keeps the temp coming out of them pretty much room temp. Heatpump when in cold or dehumidify mode only pass the air through the cold part of the cycle because the heat is at the other end in these modes, so when in dehumidify they can be a bit cool on the room. Most deliberatly limit the fan speed when in dehumidifie mode to lesson the the level of cold air that gets pushed into the room The biggest problem with heatpumps is that they don't work as a dehumidifier when in the hot cycle becase the cold part of the cycle is then outside at the compressor end because the cycle is reversed. So in the winter when you need it the most you have to use them on auto heat which will case them to switch betwen hot and cold to mantain the temperature, this make them more expensive to run. Dispite that they are the best and most efficient way to heat and cool a house. Pies if you do get a heatpump system don't get a ducted one installed. Get a big outside unit and put individual units in the rooms you want , this give you far better controll If you don't get a Daikin make sure that the compressor varies it's speed to control the refridgerant instead of stopping and starting as alot of cheaper brands do. Stopping and starting is the biggest killer of a compressor. If you've got the money get Daikin, it is the best. Aaron
  18. I couldn't agree more, thats an awsome rig. I'll just have to do my best rebuilding my 6' x 2' x 18" for now. Aaron.
  19. Unfortunately heatpumps don't dehumidify anywhere near as well as a good dehumidifier even when they are in dehumidify mode. Aaron
  20. Wouldn't it be nice to have that sort of money. I thought you guys said that no one uses ozone anymore.
  21. Pomereef Are you capable of doing good DIY. There are way around this. Aaron
  22. Counter current is the most efficeint way for the water to flow in a skimmer. Pin wheels are the most efficeint way to foam. Aaron.
  23. Reef 1 What are you talking about. 2 Everyone stop ruining this guy thread with things that have nothing to do with it. Aaron.
  24. cookie extreme A couple of days ago I emailed Paradise and asked them to activate my homepage that I have available to me with the plan I have. I got an automated reply that said it would be sorted with 4 days. That has come and I downloaded the software CuteFTP. I no you guys have offered but I want to get this home page sorted so I can do this properly. I have a video camera that takes stills but the still quality insn't very good, I'll use it anyway and change the pictures later as I rebuild my tank to its former glory. on my current budget it should take about fourty years. At the moment I'm rebuilding the old skimmer that I made for the main tank Somehow it was broken while in the garage. Bare with me on the picture. Aaron
  25. Thats handy I live in bishopdale. Remember you wont always be able to get good water here especially in the winter. Where are you going to get it from. Aaron.
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