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I would love to see a test done properly on this subject. If I had them I would do it.
You brought it up. Not me.
Their past that stage and have been making injectors for skimmers for a long time now.
Yes you did "Beckett" is a product. For someone who claims to know more than most here and to make sure he knows what he is talking about you should know that Turf scrubbers were developed in the mid 80's not the 60's as you have stated.
The Beckett injector is a product in its own right. There are alot of skimmers using them.
I have to agree with Chimara regarding the honesty and reliability of this test you clearly are not running the skimmer properly. Most of your comments are related to the skimmer itself not the Beckett. What are you comparing here? The Becket? The ability of the skimmer manufacturer to make a skimmer for a Beckect? Or your Knowledge of how to run either of the above. My $100 dollar Kare's skimmer that I bought ten years ago with a 1280 on it runs better than that without tuning it. To test a beckett you first have to find the best skimmer/Becket combination because without that being done first this thread is just pointless propaganda which will only be of benifit to you. I Know this thread is your's but one thing that bothers me about this forum is that it allows vendors to promote thier products freely in other peoples threads and you do this alot. I'm more use to forums were the rules state that vendor talk is to be kept in the vendor section only like this forum that I have been part of for years www.rcgroups.com This forum always becomes a sales pitch for vendors and you are the most common, not a forum for people without an agender to discuss things and I think that is wrong and should not be allowed to happen.
Its a case of how clean do you run your tank compared to what you want to put in it. Not always an easy thing to balance as a clean tank is the best way to go. Fay that tank looks fantastic, great work.
Then why ask. I'm sorry if my current lack of funds from having to leave my job to look after my kids, due to my sick wife who spends most of her life in hospital is so inconveneint for you. get over it. " Please feel free to show me where I said this. If you had a design that could be worth putting a Pateint on would you be thick enougth to show it to everyone, sorry I'm not that stupid. Only a video but I will get one Sorry have I not stated this enougth for you would you like me to say it again. Yes I can say that I no more about my wifes condition than all of the doctors in this country put together. Most likely where I will post my tank setups when I do it if the attitude of people in this forum doesn't change. My life is hard enougth having to deal with a wife who lives with the constant feeling like someone repeatably stabing her in her blader without having to listen to this sort of ignorant crap. It's cauld "interstitial cystitis". Look it up on the internet, you might learn something and pray that you never develope it because there is no cure. The first thing I said in this post was related to the topic. the result was to have the design of my skimmers attacked by Reef who hasn't got a clue as to how they work or compare to, as he put it, top performing skimmers. When I first joined this forum I shared my experience and knowledge of what I had done previously with algae turf filters which I clearly stated were not running anymore, yet was still asked to show and abused for even suggesting that they worked by people who have never used one and most likely still know nothing about them. Nice welcome to the forum thanks for nothing. I am still being abused for not showing them today. I decided that it would be a waste of time posting here unless the attitude changed. With this sort of attitude still continuing in this forum what makes you think that I would want to post here. If things stay the same here I will Just put a link in to were it is.
Just picture a 6'x2'x18" with hardly any life in it that hasn't had a water change in 8 months, I think the overgrown higher forms of algee are doing half of the work because everything has stayed healthy which they should not be. The SPS that I got from Layton at the Christchurch meeting is still doing well. Now that my wife is getting Botox injections every 3 months for her pain our high medical bills will be going down and I will have more time to get things back to normal with my tanks because she wont be living in hospital as much and can look after the kids more. I will also be redoing a tank with an Algae turf scrubber. Reef Colour only determines what is being pulled. The darkness of the colour is caused by how dense it is which in most cases means that it has been wrung out which can leave other stuff behind. It is the same as a centrifuge, you should remove all of what has seperated not just the dence stuff at the end of the test tube. No it means you have wrung half of what you need to remove out of it and only removed the heavier material Yes pulling it out quickly is the answer but all of it must be pulled out. The fact of two identical skimmers in the same system yet tuned differantly proves the point if the wet one is still pulling when the dry one has stopped regardless of your opinion of my skimmers. It is simple physics.
Because both you and I know there are people here that would have so I got in first.
Sorry I didn't know you new anything about my skimmers. Let me inlighten you. They use a seriously modified version of a Becket which by the time I finished with my design looked nothing like one. Its operation will not be discussed or shown on any Forum or other means so don't ask. The skimmers are all acrylic and recycles the chamber as do about 20 other brands of industrial and marine tank skimmers. They do not have a pinwheel which is another thing that people like to keep reinventing as they improve on previous designs. It has another system which is far more efficient and again will not be disscussed or shown. Maybe now you guys will undestand why I'm not happy about showing pics. I will soon as I will be starting over and rebuilding alot of my systems as they aren't tidy but I will not show details about some of the systems that I have created. The one I have running at the moment pulls 1.5-2 litres of thick syrup a week which means nothing and you should all stop comparing this way because every tank is differant and cannot be compared with each other. It can run dry or wet as can the cheap $120.00 skimmer I use on my 1000 litre storage tank which has a 1280 pushing it, this pulls about 1 litre a week of thick syrup which comes from the life in the rock that I have in there. There are far better skimmers out there and they are designed to deal with far greater problems than marine tanks can throw at them. I am yet to see anything they have to offer that hasn't been done before by someone else in and outside of the marine tank industry.
Condy's crystals (potassium permanganate) should be used to cure concrete over a period of 3-4 week whenever it is used with fish of any kind. Those who know what they are doing when they build concrete fish ponds do the same. it is an old practice that alot of people seem to have forgotten. Ask your chemist. they should have it, if they don't tell them they are useless and go somewhere else. Use fresh water, add crystals and dissolve (don't worry about the colour the staining is not permanent on the concrete) place finished concrete in the water and leave for 3-4 weeks. During the curing proccess the water will turn brown and then clear, at this stage it is well cured. To cover my butt I will state the following: (Edit = Warren)... Do not add Condy's crystals to your tank. Do not add Condy's crystals to a tank with anything alive in it (including rock) Condy's crystals will stain things, be carefull. Don't use your bath, tub, sink spa or swimming pool to mix Condy's crystals if you want to stay married unless you want an excuse to replace them (wife or all of the above that is).
I don't think I can agree with this. I tested two of my DIY skimmers along time ago which were the same as each other, I tuned one wet and the other dry. The dry one stopped pulling yet the wet one was still getting slightly discoloured water. My conclusion was that tuning it slightly wet was helping to suspend the waste for longer which aided the removel. It could be differant for other skimmers but I don't think it would be.
It looks like you can get more in up the top.
The facts on Christchurch water and we don't get charged for it. The water is hard and the PH is high. http://www.ccc.govt.nz/Water/HowWeGetOu ... alysis.asp http://www.ccc.govt.nz/Water/ Good reason to never leave Christchurch.
If you have CO2 coming out of your reactor then it is either a single chamber type (which is a bad type to use without adding a second chamber on the drip output) or it isan't tuned properly. My DIY reactor is dual chamber, the first chamber is for the cycle and the second is on the output to use up any leftover CO2. Dissolved calcium can be removed by skimmers, so what is the point of putting it through one when you need it in the tank.
That is fantastic !!!! I always thought I wouldn't want a round tank because of the magnification problems, but when one is that big it isan't a problem.
Why. The biggest problem that people have when they first start to use calcium reactors is that they do not think of it as a calcium additive. Drip feed only not flow it is not a filter. That is why people have so much trouble. the low pH that comes out is nothing compared to the effect of the calcium that enters the tank.
Christchurch has one of the purrist untreated water supplies in the world and it's free, why go to so much trouble.
I couldn't agree more. Don't forget the price can vary depending on temp as well which is not stated in the auction, I don't think they would be any good in temp but the fittings look nice.
I'm using a 1260 on my DIY Beckett with no problem.
This thread is nuts, I can't believe I just put myself through the torture of reading it. Cracker The parasites in the but of my nieghbours dog would have a greater chance of infecting your tank. If your that worried about it put it through a UV or Ozone it for a couple of cycles. If you leave it you must keep it cycling, what do you think happens to the water as everything falls to the bottom and dies, it decomposses and causes unnessesary problems in the water, wasted live food that your tank should be getting. I only keep and store water as a backup for when I don't like the condition of the water in the ocean or can't be bothered going to get it. I change this as much as I change my tank I'm going to try and find a liquid that will get rid of the pain I now have in my head from reading this post. I don't think I've got anything strong enougth.
combo Nice mix of animals in your tank that looks great.
I think Eric was mainly getting at the death of the research which is lacking in allot of what we read these days.