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Everything posted by PENEJANE

  1. lol Shelley. I would swear that my biggest black female is holding on to it. She looks like someone stuck a balloon up her backside and mader her 3 times her normal size. Her belly looks bigger than mine!!! I hope that she isn't under to much stress and either dies or aborts the pregnancy. Would be nice to have more babies about the tank. I am really looking forward to one of my new guppies who is due to drop with in the next week (I think) She is bound to produce some lovely coloured babies
  2. Thanks Shae. The two females are already pregnant so I hope that they will have babies soon enough and that I will have more lovely coloured babies in my tank. So far all my babies are comming up the same as the adults with 1/2 - 3/4 black. Need some more colours lol
  3. I couldn't help myself. The deep desier was calling out to me over the last few days. I couldn't resist it any longer so I went out and got a trio (2F,1M) of guppies. The male has a short tail and is bright orange in colour, one female has like a blue band on the inside of her tail and it turns to a yellowish colour at the edges with odd black spots about. Same with the fin on her back (can't remember what its called) the other one is almost white which I thought might of been albino but it has black eyes. Her tail shimmers a silken shiny light yellow and her body is very light in colour. Her pregnancy spot is pink/orange instead of black. With these new colours in the tank I wonder what combos I will come up with when they breed. The two females I got today are due to have babies very soon. They are both super fat and half their stomach is fulled with their pregnany spot lol I will try and get pics as soon as I get more batteries for the camera.
  4. Awesome pics there shiuh. Wonder how well thoes colours would go with my 3/4 black guppies
  5. lol cheers thanks for the ideas. I might use some electrical tape over the holes and then cover it with a heavy blanket or towel folded twice. Thanks again guys
  6. My tank has a lid on it but it has two holes in the back where the cables come through for the heater, filter and airpump. There is also two holes in the lid (with the light attached) which allows the same thing. I was wondering what I could cover this with while we flea bomb the house?? No point putting a towel up because it will just seep through it. Or will it not affect the water at all?? Any suggestions??
  7. yeah I am thinking that a trio (1M,2F) would be a good addition to the tank. With my babies I have some that are 3/4 black already and others that have black specks in the fins so I ain't 100% sure as to if they are all going to be all black or not. I will be going on the hunt over the next few days for some different coloured guppies. I would consider buying off anyone who was/wanting to sell any but I don't think they would survive postage even if it was same day delivery. Unless there were some in CHCH or Dunners then it might be possible but still risky. Time to go and start dinner I think
  8. I have been looking at some sites on tropical fish and I seem to like the Swordtails but now I am stuck as to look into getting some of them or to get some different coloured guppies and see what happens. So far the idea of just guppies is more appealing as so far none of them have died so I must be doing something right with them lol. The 3/4 black guppies are starting to look a little boring and it seems their fry are all the same colour also. Any suggestions as to what sort of guppy colours I could look into that would go well breeding wise with my 3/4 black? I don't know how many F or M I have from my babies but would I be best to get a trio ( 1 M, 2F) or just 3 Females that are already heavly pregnant? Would like to see some red,yellow,green and orange in the tank
  9. lol Thanks Shelley. I have to say I did ring up my husband at work and have a cry over the phone to him but it can't be helped I guess. As Alan said, next time it might be better if I got a bigger/older one instead one so small as they are prone to water changes. (I think thats what he said) But before I do any of that I want to get a good amount of plants in the tank and get that established first then consider more fish. At present my guppies are still having babies so I am sure that I won't be out of fish
  10. yeah I am going to do that tomorrow. My guppies seem to be fine and swimming about as they usually do. What makes it worse is that my eldest daughter named it White Spotty Dotty fish and that I have just flushed it
  11. I want to know what other fish are ok with guppies. My Bristlenose catfish has just died yet all the other seem fine. Guess I just don't have the touch for the B/Ns just yet. I don't want anything that looks like a gold fish and won't cost an arm and a leg to get. I only have a 90ltr tank so I can't have fish to big either. Any suggestions welcome. Ohh and pH is at 7.0-7.5 and temp is at 24-25C Cheers
  12. I think its dying This morning it looked like it was having trouble staying stuck to the side of the tank and this afternoon I found it on the bottom of the tank just sitting there flopping about. I rung the pet store and they said that it would be ok for me to put it into the breeding net with the baby guppies. Well I put it in there where the current of the water wasn't going to affect it but I then noticed that the baby guppies were nipping at it and it was only just moving. I feel like a total failer
  13. cheers. Thanks for that Just wanted to make sure that I wasn't doing something wrong lol
  14. on the suction cups of my heating rod is this slimy looking white stuff. It is also on the cord comming out of the filter (power cord) and on the wooden bits of the ship wrek. I have noticed it before but the fish must of eaten it as it had dissapeared with out me doing anything to it. But its back and I just wanted to make sure that its ok and not something nasty.
  15. I can't comment on the sand as such but I use a vacum cleaner and I can say right now that I don't manage to get it all out lol with ornaments and plants in place you have limited spots to clean so I just do the front bit which is the main viewing part to keep it looking tidyish now and then. But thats just me. Others could be different.
  16. Well the first pea that I put in there I thought had dissapeared thanks to the guppies but when I took the lid off this morning to feed everyone I noticed it at the back untouched. I also noticed the second pea that I put in there late last night (couldn't find the first one at the time) and it also hasn't been touched. How can I be sure that it will eat the cuecumber or the courgette? I soo hope this little dude or lass is getting enough food. I don't want it to die of starvation. It looks like it is always trying to eat the glass which I guess is it eating the algae off but I also know that it needs more than just algae to survive.
  17. cool. I will keep that in mind and ask them next time I am out there google eyeing their fishies lol
  18. LOL I don't know how to spell either of them and have to copy and paste the word lol but yeah I know that they are the same
  19. yeah I have a bath but I can see someone accidently pulling the plug and bye bye fishies Would the Pet shop have thoes poly things for free or at a very cheap price?? and how would I get the heater and that to keep working? Then again its not going to happen and only time I need to worry is when I go to move I got a huge nappy bucket I can use for the trip since Invercargill is like 8 kms long I doubt that I would have far to travel
  20. Cheers. Thanks for that. As for the veges I won't be able to get anything untill Tuesday at the earliest. Apart from that I have access to peas (good old frozen vege mix). I will add another pea tonight when I turn the lights out If I can't find Zuchini am I able to use cuecumber?? That is something that I know is available at the store.
  21. Thanks for that Critter Guy but I thought that the images were a bit to big so I left it with just a link lol. Now everyone can see them. Snowman I hope that I never have to experience that. I only own the one tank and there is no way that I would be able to save them as I don't have anything else to put them into.
  22. ummmm this may seem silly but how do I know if my bristlenose is getting enough food?? any tablet things, peas (skin removed) that I put in seem to get eaten by the other fish. How can I be sure that its getting enough. It is found in a different spot of the tank and seems to be well camoflarged against the rock and boat that I have in there. I just want to make sure that it is getting enough food even tho my guppies are being little pigs. On top of the tablets (it gets 1/2 a day) am I able to put in one pea a day or would I be best with a pea or the tablet but not both?
  23. I am sure that wouldn't go down to well!!
  24. I knwo you can't see it in the images because the pinkish thing thats over it is a silk wall hanging thing so that is draped over top of the poly but it is there I can't see a very thin silk cloth making any difference being between tank and poly
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