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Everything posted by HelifaxNZ

  1. Interesting points. If I had setup both tanks at the same time I would be able to do the overflow from the first tank to the second. In order to do this now, the first tank will need to be taller than the second to use gravity to move the water. Can anyone think of other solutions?
  2. Hi, has anyone had 2 tanks on one sump with two return pumps in the sump? I'm thinking of setting up a little tank (with seahorses) next to my little bigger tank and maybe utilising the sump. Cheers
  3. I don't have an Anemone, but I do have a Torch Coral and a Bubble Coral close together which I must say since the Clowns have hosted on the Torch, it has grown and looks much more healthier. It has taken quite a few months before they would do this. It is very interesting to watch the clowns stick their whole head in the tenticles and sometimes see them with their mouth wide open with a tenticle in its mouth (no comment).
  4. HelifaxNZ

    Salty tank

    Wasp this is the mentality of freshwater keepers - I was one of them and still am! Canisters are equivilent freshwater filters to Protein skimmers. But I have to say, Skimmers are expensive for what they "look" like. A hunk of cylinder plastic put together and that's $500 bucks thanks. :lol: A lot of expense for Skimmers is the actual pumps. They are special ones which produce tiny bubbles to carry the muck into the waste cup. Both work hand in hand, but if you get a decent pump, then the skimmer will work more efficiently. Correct me if I'm wrong guys. So Rory, throw away the canister and buy a decent skimmer for the price of a decent canister. Note: the skimmer in your picture is for a sump. If you are not thinking of getting a sump, then you will need to "purchase" a hang on the top skimmer which are traditionally cheaper, I have one in my sump, but may be moving to a traditional one soon.
  5. Thanks Wasp for the pic and description. Definately good to know and keep an eye out for.
  6. Does anyone have a picture of a flat worm? So all newbie can see the difference between flat worm and bristleworm. Cheers :bounce:
  7. HelifaxNZ


    This could be similar to my post about bristleworm squirting out white stuff and looks like smoke.
  8. Yeah Beachy. The SCWDs are made to be used with flexible tubing and clamps. I've never seen it attached directly to pvc.
  9. I use short pieces of tube to link them. Look at my forum, this is how I did it and it works fine for me. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/2-vt96 ... c&start=15
  10. I've been moving my rock around and some corals and started to notice white jets of stuff that looks similar to Joes Juice, but it was coming out of Bristleworms!! Anyone seen this and is it toxic for other fish/corals? Thanks.
  11. Thanks for your answers. Yes photos were taken with my D-SLR Olympus E300. On lowest resolution setting and still it is quite a big size pic. Will have to photoshop it down.
  12. Just checking whether this is aiptasia. If it is they are spreading in my tank! ]http://www.thelittletoyshop.com/images/aiptasia.jpg Also can't send this without sending a pic of my Blasto! ]http://www.thelittletoyshop.com/images/blasto606.jpg Thanks. Pics too wide img tags removed. Bill Mod.
  13. I have a comparitively smaller tank than most so have stopped this practise and am now rinsing the food first. Hopefully I will see a huge improvement on my brown hair algae.
  14. I try to wait a day after collecting so it is room temperature, then put in sump with pump off, but heater on and keep in there for 1 hour or so before starting the pump.
  15. Wasp, I "think" bananas have a lot of potassium not phosphate.
  16. I think you have Piranahs not corals.
  17. Thanks folks for your replies. I've been wondering why I get a lot of diatoms. Wouldn't corals and filter feeders benefit from the occasional "juice"?
  18. Hi folks, just a quick survey... When you defrost frozen food for your fish/corals, 1) Do you mix a little tank water with it and then tip it all in the tank 2) Do you mix a little tank water and throw away the excess water/juices and just put in the meat? Thanks.
  19. HelifaxNZ

    Steve's Tank

    They are great photo's. And the corals and fish look very nice and healthy.
  20. I go for NSW as Takapuna's not too far to drive.
  21. Hmmm... I have the opposite problem. The monti I got from you is still doing really well, but some of the hard corals I got from Cookie faded away. All my soft corals are doing really well and my green brain is doing well too. I'm sure the biggest issue for me is lack of calcium. I'll have to do some tests.
  22. HelifaxNZ

    Cool Video

    Just finished watching it all. Well worth watching.
  23. HelifaxNZ

    Cool Video

    Wow thanks Bubbles for posting this movie. It's fantastic! It makes me cringe whenever he uses that tile cutter! Amazing how rough he is with the corals and yet they survive?! Right now to watch the next half of it.....
  24. HelifaxNZ

    tels tank

    What brands of Vodka are you all using?
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