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Everything posted by Staplez

  1. yeah that might work But pumice could have sufuric acid in it then again if it's been drifting around for some time it could be all gone. You could try keeping it in water over a some time then test the pH of the water. I think it would look rather nice in the bottom of a tank. If you can get it to stay there. Good luck making it sink.
  2. you can quickly make pumice sinkable if you have a pressure chamber
  3. Good question. I haven't thought about doing it but is does make me you think if there is a chemical risk. Years ago I used to be right into collecting and studying rock and minerals. I was a member in a club blah blah blah, anyway. Something that came up more then once in club meetings and rock and mineral sales was some rocks and minerals can release chemicles into the water. And some of them can be very nasty. Be careful what stones you put into the tank if you are unsure.
  4. Growing plants is very easy. I often buy a small quantity plants then let them grow and when big enough I cut off some of the storks and plant them in the gravel. They then grow their own roots and grow to there full size. This works well with plants that establish alot of roots. Its a cheap and easy way of growing your own if you don't have the commitment to go indepth with reproducing plants
  5. Thanks alot that looks like it. Do they establish good roots? I don't like having lead in the tank.
  6. Last night I bought some plant for my community tank. The thing is I don't know what they are :oops: . They are a thin flax the blades had a max width of about 6mm. The blades are green with one yellow edge. The pet store did not have the name for these nice little plants. The reason I want to know what they are is one of them has a brown limb which must be loaded with seeds. I want to know how to take care of these and grow them from the seeds. Being a flax I'm sure its very hardy. It looks great and my fish took an instant liking to it.
  7. recently I've seen Black neon tetras and albino neon tetras. these both look rather nice. Yeah cardinal over typical neons any day. But these these others I've seen are something different.
  8. Have you got the account I can make a deposit to. I'll think about joining a club in my area but for now I'll pay for the mag
  9. 80 tanks, do you have a heater for each tank or do you just heat the room?
  10. The person that runs pupuke aquarium makes tanks to order. Hes been running his own store for years. He doesn't make stands for tanks.
  11. Is your floor boards or partical board If floor boards it could be draining between them If particle board you floor could turn into soggy weetbix
  12. Staplez


    Ive kept fights But have never tried brreding them. In the time that i was keeping them there was 1 male and 1 female in the tank. the males always flared up at the females but they didn't cause any harm to each other. The males would become more agressive if a mirror was placed next to the tank. Fearing that their reflection is another male they get rather frisky. Also fun to watch them get angry with themself. If you want to put a mirror next to your tank don't leave it their for much longer then 10-20 minutes. The males can get stressed from chacing their reflection.
  13. Damn thats not a great wake up call at all. All that work, effort, fish and the cost sorry to hear that.
  14. I've kept all sorts in the past i won't get into it. Since I moved out of home ive only kept the 1 community tank going I will get one of my tanks back from my parents soon. But these days im triying to stay with small fish with alot of colour Tetras and livebearers. I'm giving away my 2 angels and putting more effort into breeding my guppies. A little tip I might give you about that heater. It maybe the summer heat that has kept the tank water above 24. Test your heater in the coolest part of the house in a chilly bin befor you throw it away.
  15. Ahh yep used for cycling ok heh I was wondering. What fish do you keep? 24 seems a little low, mines kept 26-27 Yes humming it's me Staple_nutz
  16. Sup hummingz0r why did you have a goldfish in there?
  17. Angels are very friendly. when I enter the room they will try to get as close to me as possable (follow me around the tank) I know the only reason they do this is because they want food in thier belly but It's still pretty cool. They are very easy to take care of also. If you do decide to buy angels make sure you get small ones. When they grow from a small size they get along better with other smaller fish in the tank ie. tetras and guppies.
  18. ooow an NZ mag i'll have to sub to that. how would i go about payment? do you have an account I can make a deposit to. Email me if need be [email protected] Thanks James
  19. The only mistake I can recall was about 8 years ago. I was vacuming the stones in my cold water tank. I looked away from the tank for just one second and then I felt a small tug on the vacume. When I looked back I saw that that I had just suck one of the eyes of a black moore. The fish died about 2 days later.
  20. Yeah thats what I thought But I had to ask because people that have told me about these fish have been very sure of themselfs that they were guppies. If there are places with wild guppies I'm very interested. I'm a rather big fan of guppies and I'd like to see how they get along in the wild.
  21. Over the years iv'e heard abit of talk about people catching wild guppies at the small lake next to lake pupuke. Also heard of people finding them in a stream at the back of the Takapuna golf course. Has anybody else heard these stories or has anybody caught them in these places?
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