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Everything posted by Staplez

  1. Staplez

    pond fish

    If were talking about the common eel. Those things can be great explorers. They will slide along rocks on the river side if it means getting somewhere they want to go. They can even get up small whater falls. A long time ago my family where camping about 7 meters from a river and we were woken in the night by 2 eels that made their way up the side of the tent. Their trails remain on the tent today as colour has been left slietly lighter where the slime was.
  2. Most of the pet/fish stores I've been to in Auckland sell rubbish. I've seen some nice crown betta on trademe other then that finding a breeder is the best option. I used to breed them but have since left them.
  3. Oh ok to me they look like they are armed with a set of teeth for biting the back end of anything smaller then them.
  4. ah crap. Sorry to hear that. I dred the day I wake up or come home to that sight
  5. How do they get along with other tank mates?
  6. Hahaha that made me laugh.
  7. Staplez

    pond fish

    Shhh :roll: Seriously Koi carp the're big suckers I don't think eels would bother them, would they?
  8. I think I speak for alot of us when I say lets see this photo.
  9. Heck I'm not buying these guppies. If you had read my last post you would have seen that im now truely not believing in the cold water guppy.
  10. :roll: Oh ok didn't realize that many here would be kept that low.
  11. Take a look at this gallery of fish. Each has pictures, bio and feedback from owners. http://www.aquahobby.com/e_gallery.php This has to be my favorite site of look for new tank mates as well as info on anything about fish keeping.
  12. One a week! In the same tank? That seems a bit alarming to me.
  13. Well its not me you will have to convince then, its the hollywood fish farm staff you'll need to convince. Believe me I had doubt about these aparent cold water guppies. Now I just doubt them even more. I've been breeding guppies for god knows how long and I know plenty about them. But I've also kept an open mind and was willing to believe that somebody has put in the effort to breed a strain that will withstand cooler climates. There is only one sane measure of action we must take... Start a riot over at the hollywood fish farm :evil:
  14. Crap I just lost my best female guppy that I have ever had. I don't know if it is the timer I am to blame or if it was her time. When you looked at this female you would have to check twice. She had briliant colour right up to the anal fin. I hope I get a good female from her new young.
  15. Staplez

    pond fish

    If this dam is 2.2 millinon littres *dreams of a tank that big* then maybe they are spread out. It must be a pretty big area for the fish to spread out. They could be browsing on what is to eat at the bottom too. Eels might not be the only reason for the no show of the goldies
  16. I visted Hollywood fish farm on saturday and I saw these "cold water guppies" I did have many questions about these when I saw them. Being HFF I expected they new what they were on about ~edit~ The HFF staff told me through selective breeding they have made ones that will have a greater chance of surviving a winter.
  17. I have a tank thats getting a bit old at the joins. Its over 7 years old and some of the silicon has come away when cleaning the glass. It would spell disaster if I was to put the 150 littres of watter in there. Its a tall hex tank. How is the best way to go about re-appling silicon to the glass. Im expecting to strip it all off. But should I strip off a load of it then replace it and keep doing so untill I have replaced it all. That would help hold it in its hex shape or does that not sound like a good idea?
  18. Your on the right track, you have been doing your homework. It doesn't sound like you have to worry about that temp. between 26 & 28 is where most of us would keep our systems at.
  19. Staplez

    pond fish

    If a couple of hundred goldfish cost him $200 they musn't be very big. But then i think of pupuke again and goldfish have been in there for ages. Eels would have to be there too.
  20. Staplez

    pond fish

    get down to lake pupuke and takle him some koi carp. Actualy the goldfish in that lake do rather well for themselves and I imagine eels would be there too.
  21. Cold water guppies. Just a colourful as their tropical buddies except they are used to cooler temps. If you do go for those make sure they are the cold water kind.
  22. It runs 20 hours a day, which is completly fine. Its not running during feeding times this help reduce un eaten food.
  23. almost a disaster, The timer that I have my filter (only supply of oxygen) on is broken and i only found this out from watching the stressed out guppies trying to breath air for their oxygen. I don't know how long it's been broken. The timer is just a few months old. Damn these cheap timers. :evil:
  24. What fish are you keeping in this tank? I also think it's nothing to worry about 26-27 is what I too keep my tank at. summer can cause it to rise to 29 I still haven't had any deaths yet and im not expecting any with that small change.
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