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Everything posted by Mirio

  1. Geoff, your 204 is gorgeous man. The black and gold is so nice.
  2. Looks spacious compared to some of the others ones I've seen
  3. Trill. It's looking pretty slick man!
  4. Reef safe means won't really bother corals or other inverts.
  5. How's it going? What skimmer did you end up getting if you did bro?
  6. Looking for a stand for a tank I'm about to get made, measuring 70x45x45. I'about to send enquiries to HFF, Aeon Design. Just wondering what other places in the Auckland area people have used in the past etc, just so I can get a better idea of what's out there. Thanks
  7. Hope it has a speedy recovery, which I'm sure it will in your hands
  8. Maybe keep species with similar diet together, can't think of many other complications if you provide everyone with adequate hiding spaces
  9. Thanks guys, yeah I figured it would be UV/Blacklights, just need to start looking for some decent paints, have alot of good ideas. Thanks guys!
  10. Is this UV Paint? I mean, that produces this sort of effect. Looks really awesome, wouldn't mind trying to make something like some of the posters in my spare time.
  11. This is one Website : http://coral.aims.gov.au/speciesPages/ An actually really good one checking back on it. This is probably all you will need in most coral cases haha (Soft corals might be little different. That site has alot of SPS/LPS from memory). Fish are alot easier, Liveaquaria even can give a heap of information, better to just search up the species you're looking for though once you find the name, check overseas forums for behavioural traits, reef compatibility etc etcccccc
  12. For Corals, there is Corals of the World series, pretty pricy though. Otherwise, most guides that are fairly detailed are relative to the area of diving or what reefs etc. Otherwise there is a load of general books with information on some of the major or more commonly known species. Corals of the world is highly regarded. There are those Baensch I think it is? Marine atlases, maybe give those a try
  13. Yeah I saw, wonder how common they are eh. Also if it's male or female. Might have to go check it out haha.
  14. Yeahp, and that's another thing too, I think the general rule is a bit too much rock than I would have in a tank. But each to there own
  15. Or these http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=15+1379+2285&pcatid=2285 Hoeven's Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus)
  16. As above, would love to dedicate a tank to one. Also, have there been much of the other smaller reef safe wrasses? Flasher, Carpenters, Fairy? All I've seen here are Birdnoses, Solaris, Canary, Six-line and a few other. Cheers
  17. Mirio

    Enter the Mantis

    I think I can make it out, can see the typical looking around Mantis shrimp do haha
  18. Mirio

    Enter the Mantis

    Waaaah, where did you get him from?
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