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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. Nice! Btw I'm changing my guess to common!
  2. So..... Anybody else bored?
  3. Also there is a wanted to buy section.
  4. :nfs: Hmm there's an empty corner of my room that'd look really nice with a cichlid tank in it....
  5. :slfg: have a read of blueethers native thread in his sig....
  6. Mitre 10 and shops of the like are good for big bags of cheap pebbles. The stuff in my tank was a 10kg bag for $6
  7. I used to have spider plants, now I have them again. They're currently rootles should I just hang one in the water?
  8. Hehe, swim away! :rolfl: Okay.... maybe I need to get more sleep....
  9. :gpo2: I do weekly water changes of about 80-90 litres, the only thing I've done differently recently is feeding my natives live food as the bulk of their diet but I still feed heart and shrimp which I suspect is the only food that reaches the bottom. Thanks
  10. Both of my koura moulted today, they usually moult about a week apart. Are there any environmental factors that effect moulting? Anyone else experienced this before?
  11. I like the greeny colour! I have one with the same pattern only its an earthy orange colour.
  12. I just scoop the fry out of the big trough and put them in tubs, I feed them wrigglers, crushed flakes and little black bugs (like daphnia only smaller and beatle like) Easy :thup: I only have a low output though, it's not a very efficient method
  13. A young eel.... It's amazing how slow they're growing now that they've reached 20 cm, imagine how old that 53(?)cm record holder was (is) And BTW they're looking really nice and healthy :nfs:
  14. :yaw2: Thread revival.... I guess this never really kicked off but we all know there are a few tanks out there, so don't be shy. Here's my tank, it needs a bit of a rock-re-scape:
  15. I'd love to see photos of the giants to see how their patterns are developing (*cough cough hint hint*) :spop:
  16. With dorsal rays Giants have six* commons have 7(6 and even 8 )* and I think crans and upland have 8* *just a basic guideline Edit: oops.... Interesting about the face stripes! :oops:
  17. Sounds good! Are you having any problems with the kokopu eating the smaller fish now they're bigger?
  18. Sounds like you've had a bit of bad luck in the last year, so what fish and how many do you currently have in the tank?
  19. Apart from being fussy eaters my five have all survived in my aquarium for about 4-5 months. They won't eat flake food though.... How's your koura?
  20. Looks good! :nfs: Do you have any trouble feeding your mullet? Mine only eat small bits of soft food, they won't eat pellets unless they're soaked, they're favourite food appears to be shrimp. Have yours been similar? If you get the green light on the fissidens I'd love to buy some off you! Well once I have a chiller so the lights don't heat the tank up.... I hope my kokopu don't get all fussy on me, one of mine stopped eating for a week recently, I was getting quite worried... But he (or she) doesn't say no to anything now no matter how much it's already eaten.
  21. Erm.... Crans? Actually it looks whiskery.... Common!
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