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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. The darker one was just being territorial, they're both usually the paler colour.
  2. The FW native tank, I'm planning on getting a proper light and growing some plants. The SW native is still a work in progress. I went the DIY live rock route which has been great and I'll be making more after my exams. DIY Liverock Sea Rimu Cushion Stars Dwarf Scorpionfish Common Triplefins Dahlia Anemone
  3. Uploading with the insert media option doesnt appear to be working for me either. I use photobucket, or you can upload to members albums first. I've downsized my FW natives into a 200+ litre, just inanga and bullies at the moment. I'm currently setting up a SW native in my 900 litre, I'll post pics of both later
  4. That's a massive hermit (unless those a tiny scorpion fish ) Very cool
  5. If the JD doesn't manage to swallow the Cory by itself your best bet will be to anesthetize the JD and use tweezers to pull the Cory out while squeezing it's fins together. I don't have any experience with this so another members opinion may be needed.
  6. Just wanted to share this, it's amazing how much some creatures mutually rely on eachother. http://m.liveaquaria.com/PIC/article.cfm?aid=201
  7. I am no longer having this problem, thanks
  8. They pop up on trademe now and then, there were three or four 6 footers in Auckland when I got mine. There are always custom tank makers aswell. Welcome back
  9. Nevermind, Sea Cucumber http://www.seafriends.org.nz/dda/aqua2.htm
  10. I now have all the equipment for my tank and I've filled it up with NSW (it's amazing how much water aquariums actually hold ) I'm going with a 2cm sand bed. I know that brittle stars sort out detritus that gets caught under the LR, but what's the best critter for keeping the substrate clean? Surface and sifting.
  11. Both the freshwater and marine native databases are restricted. Not just to guests, when I'm logged in I still don't have "permission".
  12. I've been reading that, but was checking for a difenite answer for FO. So thanks I just bought one of these, seemed like a good deal: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1148622406 Just the skimmer left now
  13. I'm going to set up a local marine tank. Is UV necessary for a fish only tank? If it is necessary, what setups do people use?
  14. Collecting sea water would make marine cheaper. But if not, south American/amazonian fish would offer the best selection.
  15. I have no idea what it is, but I agree about it likely not being threatening. A fungal infection would be white and appear on or near an injury. This seems to just be growing across the carapace. It should come off with the kouras next moult.
  16. It's popped up on the forum a few times, I think someone might have bought some a while back?
  17. Wasn't anywhere near as stressful as I expected there was slight chipping, but I'm happy
  18. Do i use the drill bit as well as the cutter? Or will it crack the glass?
  19. I've ordered a 38mm diamond drill bit and two 25mm Hansen female tank fittings, one for inflow and one for outflow
  20. So would you attach a 20mm fitting to the bulkhead or go with 25mm piping? Why cut such a big hole? In case I need to increase the size?
  21. www.trademe.co.nz/building-renovation/tools/power-tools/saw-blades/auction-1101339934.htm will this be any good?
  22. I'm going to drill one of my tanks for an overflow, will 20 mil be enough drainage for 300 lph? Also, where do you get glass cutting drill bits?
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