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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. Thanks for all the replies! Very much appreciated! I'll definitely go for a DSLR with a macro lense! (And setup some better lighting ) I definitely won't be buying new, so I'll start looking on trademe! Thanks for all the advice
  2. This kind of place? http://www.kerirefrigeration.co.nz Thanks
  3. Fan is definitely working, pumping out very warm air! I haven't had a look at the recommended flow rate, but I've got a 1,200 lph pump going through it. Probably lower than recommend, but shouldn't that make it switch on and off from cooling the water too fast? The chiller was running for the whole half hour, but I had a separate (definitely working) thermometer in the tank by the outflow. Thanks for your reply
  4. Ill change that part, the tank raised .5° in 30 minutes, combination of pumps and chiller. Much faster than when the chiller was off. I had a thermometer by the outflow which also showed an increase when the chiller was on.
  5. Setup my chiller today, everything seemed to work fine! Everything turned on and I set the temperature and that was that. Chiller kicked in earlier, making all the right noises ( ) but temperature didn't drop at all! In the half hour I left it on it actually raised the temp by .5°C. This is a 1HP chiller for a <1000 litre tank (recommended for up to 2000 litres!!!) So, leaked coolant? Something else? Anything I can do?? Or do I have to spend a fortune on a new one??
  6. Try using this:https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://ei.niwa.co.nz/search/fbis&ved=0ahUKEwiz4LiV6pnNAhXE5qYKHSkfD-4QFggbMAE&usg=AFQjCNH9nfGB1eGRg0T79OGSlrRxI6cnEA&sig2=Kk3wCrAKk5sI-l7xTzKHJQ
  7. If you know of any small ponds or farm troughs that you could have a look in. Copepods are in most stagnant water bodies.
  8. Lol, nope i unplugged the wrong plug Faulty filter, false alarm no more zapping
  9. The title is pretty self explanatory, water is holding a charge. Only price of equipment is an internal filter that's now unplugged from the wall. All fish appear fine, but I get a zap (about half as strong as an electric fence) if I touch the water. Ideas??
  10. Welcome to the wonderful world of NZ native fish keeping
  11. Should be alright til summer The noise isnt too bad from my smaller chiller, definitely not bedroom furniture though. I'm not looking forward to finding out how loud the 1HP chiller is
  12. Chillers are a lot more expensive than heaters and are more of a specialist item. Only seller of new chillers I'm aware of is HFF. But if you want a more affordable chiller a secondhand one off trademe is a better option. What area are you in?
  13. Hi there, First off its good that you've done your research, always helps A heater isnt necessary in a yours tank as they need coldwater. All heters do is heat, if you need to cool the water you'll need a chiller. Where are you located? The further north you live the moe likely you are to need to look at cooling your tank. Koura are much less demanding about water volume than fish, so 2-3 should ll be fine in a 100 litre. Although you may want to look at more caves and rock arrangements. Koura can be territorial and cannibalistic so they need plenty of hiding places. Wood is also good, for both cover and as food. Shilo's beaten me to it All good advice in post about
  14. One of my Inanga (Caught late 2014 from a landlocked population) has been leaking eggs everywhere One of my other inanga and my banded kokopu both look gravid as well!
  15. There were heaps of big giants where I went spotlighting tonight! Healthy population of smelt and inanga too! The photos are of one of the biggest Bullies I saw, but there were a couple that were even bigger
  16. They should be compatible, if you have enough room for them to be able to stay well apart with plenty of hard-scaping. Probably at the very least you'll want a four foot tank, five foot would be better. With plenty of wood and rocks which break up the tank especially in mid to top water. You will need to upsize in a year or two when the fish get bigger though. My four Kokopu (2 Giants, 2 Bandeds) are fine together absolutely no fighting. They've even been schooling with the Inanga.
  17. Your best bet would be other Kokopu then, but you'd need a tank big enough to give them enough space to limit territory problems. Kokopu can be alright with Inanga (Probably up to a certain age/size), but probably not your one with its history Goldfish??
  18. kiwiraka


    I'm looking at getting a camera to take better photos of my fish. I don't want to spend too much, but I want to be able to take at least half decent pictures. It's a dark tank and I'll probably be using the camera at night to reduce glare. So what camera do you use and/or recommend?
  19. Good Other largish fish I guess would be best. The tank is too small for multiple Kokopu. A koura might be alright depending on size and layout. Best would probably be larger Inanga or Bullies, but it varies per fish. Have you ever kept him with Inanga?
  20. Is he still not eating much? I've been having the same problem on and off with my GKs... What are you going to do with the old tank?
  21. They've been fine so far, but that could change as they get bigger... I've got two chillers now, so if they do become a problem I'll just set up a bully tank
  22. Thanks, I have a small amount of fissidens which will hopefully take off
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