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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. YSAR (youth search and rescue)
  2. Someone beat you to it viewtopic.php?f=4&t=68529
  3. what did they do? Put the stand together with diamond bolts?
  4. https://www.niwa.co.nz/freshwater-and-e ... /dart_goby Probably not what you're after.
  5. I think there might be some sort of estuaine goby that can survive in freshwater that's been itroduced further north than me (btw that's very far north)
  6. Redfin bullies look quite similar...
  7. Maybe even getting in contact with niwa or doc, I'm sure they could give you someones contact details.
  8. Maybe you should get in touch with a native plant specialist?
  9. Doesn't look more than a couple of feet longer than you one livingart: http://fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=38317 Do you still have it?
  10. Nice! You seem to have an amazing eye for detail! *cough I think you hung the picture the wrong way round :ton:
  11. Posting pics: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2406 I don't really know much about flow, but I'd say 1500 Lph
  12. Nice tank (you did the link not the code) Anyway flow depends on what you stock it with.
  13. Good job on your first guess! They definitely look like dwarf galaxias!
  14. Either trout or dwarf galaxias then. Good job! If you catch one ID would be easy.
  15. You beat me to it! :slfg: it looks more saltwaterish.... blueether? Livingart? We need you....
  16. Niwa is not a definate guide, a species might not be noticed during a survey, a species might be introduced to the waterway or a population could die out. If you want to go back to the stream you could catch one and take some pics.
  17. This is all I can find http://www.barrreport.com/showthread.ph ... tic-plants
  18. Red? Pics will be helpful in id, was it in a place that could usually be above water level?
  19. You can't be sure you don't have gambusia in your area, they pop up everywhere. Could be young kokopu, they fatten up pretty quicky after the whitebait stage. Could be a non-diadromous galaxiid, although the diverged inanga species are all slender. If they definitely weren't gambusia and they were schooling I'd say banded kokopu.
  20. Tropical (Not real "sharks")? Yes! Sharks e.g bull, great white, tiger. Yes, with zoo license, containment permits, massive tank e.t.c.... So for hobbyists, no.... Would be pretty epic though....
  21. Can be trapped but spotlighting works best, can be found in most unpolluted streams. Tap, stream or rain water, just don't use dechlorinaters (koura are extremely sensitive to them) Below 20 degrees, can be kept in warmer well oxygenated water, but shortens lifespan and increases chance of infection and parasites. A Kouras diet is mostly herbivorous, so plenty of veges (boiled for easier consumption) and bugs, heart, shrimp, prawns, pellet food e.t.c
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