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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. Mmmmm, smoked kahawai !drool: What I mean is, if I caught a small one and it grew up adjusted to tank life, what size tank would it need?
  2. I won't get one over 5cm, but if caught that small what size tank would be ideal?
  3. Lol, I was wondering if there was a more effective method, as I imagine target fishing for fish of that size would be extremely difficult. Would it be possible with a hand net? Or are they too fast? Would they really need a round edged tank, I thought only sharks, stingrays and jelly fish needed those.
  4. So would say a 6 foot by 3 by 2 be big enough? Or even bigger?
  5. I know it's been asked before, but just a few questions. Minimum tank size? Preferably for a trio, but I'm guessing even one would need a pretty big tank? Recommended turnover? Healthy diet? And how would you catch them? I went snorkelling with some some friends recently and there were schools of 30+ 2-3cm kahawai, a few of them were silver and yellow instead of the silver and brown colour of the rest. Do they grow up a different colour, or do they change as they get older? I'm guessing the temp would be the same as FW natives? Or would they need even colder? Thanks
  6. Yep, you can get all sorts of colour variations. I've also found an orangy one with blue pincers before.
  7. And who wants to guess what type of bully this is (Sorry Willyp but you already know, so no answering)
  8. Thanks! 2 bandeds, 3 inanga, 3 smelt, a couple of redfins, 2 koura and 5 or 6 commons.
  9. Due to one of my first native critters I have suffered a very destructive ammonia strike..... I hadn't seen my biggest koura (got them both at 1cm) for about a month, but I saw it while cleaning up the mess I would guess that including pincers it would be upwards of 10cm. But anyway, I woke up at 9:30 and checked the temp it was at 19.2 degres, so I started changing the ice bottles, then I noticed the bodies..... So I removed the dead fish and then started shifting the rocks and I found2 medium sized half eaten bullies in the same cave as the big koura, and they looked like they'd been dead for awhile longer than the others..... So I've done a 50% water change and I'm going to do one everyday for the next week (I really should have a test kit) Body count: 4 mullet 5 bullies (common) 1 young eel 2 bullies (redfin)
  10. Far north. No giants, unlikely to be a banded, shortjaws and koaro are both found further up the system....
  11. Rivers and streams are constantly fed by underground/and mountain runoff and there are also higher oxygen levels.
  12. It was a galaxiid..... My banded got hungry &c:ry I'm so sorry about your fish....
  13. That's horrible! I'm really sorry for your losses! Those giant kokopu were such awesome fish.... Are you planning on restocking it with natives?
  14. Have you started setting up your 4 metre tank yet?
  15. If it was in full shade all day and the water was atleast 2 foot deep I'd guess it'd be alright, but I can't be sure. You could always make the pond then measure the temp over summer and if it does get too warm, you'll have a goldfish pond.
  16. Usually found in tidal streams or estuaries. Feeding, I've found that they prefer very fine foods, crumbled flakes are good, the biggest food mine eat is mosquito larvae. I've had best success with the food mix I made myself, because it breaks into small pieces easily and also crumbles a bit as it falls through the water and they just swim along like vacuum cleaners sucking it all up. Best to be kept in in groups of atleast 3 probably better to have 5 as they school and I've noticed that they seem to get nervous if they lose their school. EDIT: Just remember that they can grow over half a metre so not a good idea unless you have a large pond. Also, make sure you get grey mullet, Yellow eyed mullet can't live in fresh water.
  17. I don't know of any auckland spots, willyp123 would be your best bet. Temp below 20 degrees preferably 14-18. Feeding is easier in ponds, the fish will get lots of bugs that land on or fall into the water, you can feed them with heart, shrimp and bugs (just as if they were in a tank) Also koura will need plenty of greens.
  18. :iag: So that's how you make the pond. I'll just add that you'll have to decide between an eel pond and having bullies and koura.... They won't mix well. And also if you do decide on an eel pond you will need a large pond as both nz species grow to over a metre and are messy eaters. Also you'll want the pond well shaded and largest possible volume as the temp can really heat up, even when the water is below ground level.
  19. A bit :smot: , but I found two of the frogs I raised (I was wondering why my young goldfish were dissappearing) is the black one a morph?
  20. Bullies and koura would be your best bet! You don't really need a "hot spot" just an unpolluted stream.... if you do manage to diy a chiller, many of us would appreciate a step by step guide I'm not experienced with inanga and smelt in 3 foot tanks, but watching the smelt in my tank and since they're shorter than inanga you might be able to have a small school of smelt. I think someone else would probably have a better idea on that. No problem
  21. First what are the dimensions of the tank? If it's less than 3 feet you can't have inanga or smelt (4 foot is better) and if it's less than 4 foot you can't really keep kokopu, unless you're planning on upgrading soon.... It isn't legal to sell natives without a permit. But you can collect them from the wild yourself, just don't catch "whitebait" out of season! And also how are you planning on keeping the temp down?
  22. Maybe putting a mirror behind the tank would make up for the low numbers? Give them the illusion of a large school?
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