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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. have a few days off soon and am thinking about investigating what is in a local stream near me.

    its a reasonably fast flowing stream that runs through some rocky gorges and is only accessable through one private property for 20km in each direction. (plus the scenery is amazing)

    any ideas on how I should see what is in it?, I can place some bully traps in the slower moving parts, and dip net into the snaggy areas, but how would I investigate the faster flowing areas to see if any torrentfish are in residence.

    any other methods I should think about too?

  2. haha I am going to start lifting the hose aswell, GREAT IDEA! :slfg:

    had a mate at a petrol station fill a 5Ltr container every day by lifting the hose after ppl had left, surprising the difference it makes <=== Tightass

  3. when I get back to work i'll find that email and forward it to anyone interested, I think it may just be for retail stores, but im sure they wouldn't mind a bit of interest.

    will have to ask them about costing as well.

  4. I couldn't see any barbels on the ones I have, but then again they don't sit still long enough to check.

    had one for 6 months now and aside from about 1/2cm growth it hasn't changed into an eel yet,

    what scared me more about this post was the prices, oh for the good old days.

    should have taken about 5 minutes for the LFS to ring the importer and ask under what name it was imported under.

    im surprised MAF didn't try this method

  5. Apparently the Euro got saved as well, so the imminent failure of the western financial systems has been delayed / prevented. At least it made it to the news.

    If its not scandalous our main news outlets don't really want to know, hence all the attention.

    hrmmm didn't hear that one, maybe missed it as it was less important than 2 rich girls beating each other, a farmer murder or the telephone mills of MPs

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