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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. you are correct about the pH and ammonia toxicity but imo unless the tank was a goldfish bowl or the axo was a beast it shouldn't have been that much of an issue (you would have seen increased slime growth, agitation, gills flared forward and reddening) instead of it lay on its back and died.

    always the possibility of an outside toxin (or curious cat/child)

  2. sounds like a bit of bad luck as you seem to have done your research before buying. :bounce: congratulations. I hope this doesn't put you off as Axo's are awesome pets.

    btw just heard that glo-fish (or someone similar) have had a go at the axo's and you can now get glow in the dark ones

  3. pull out the motor and buy some flexible tubing to run your intake down into the tank, cut a small hole in the back of the plastic to allow another tube in next to the intake tube and run the outlet into the spray bar of the trickle filter.

  4. Axo's should handle pH 8 perfectly well, mine run at 7.5. (a quick google found recomendations of up to 9.0), was it roughly handled at any point, or was the transport time excessive (over 1 day)

    I personally would ask for a refund and also recommend the pet store retrains its people, honestly anyone who says an animal looks fine just dead is a bit of a moron. I have had a few recently that have taken a while to get used to prepared food so I would also ask how it was fed and also how skinny it was. and feel its belly to make sure its not got an intestinal blockage due to gravel. gills can be succeptable to ammonia burning if transport was too long, and also look at the tank it came from and the condition of its tank mates.

  5. umm, where it came from is kinda pointless as algae can be transferred long distances in the air

    more likely that the moss has a dead spot in it from when it was bunched, or there has been a nutrient spike due to the addition of extra fish.

  6. my ar980 is silent (it is a few years old and they do change designs constantly)

    I agree though, the all in one Idea is great for your first timer but doesn't leave much open for changes.

    I would throw out the carbon pads asap and replace with more noodles and wool.

    have seen one that has been modified to incorparate an aquis 1200 so the outlet from the 1200 was the inlet for the built in

    also must have been known by the designers, the cabinets have the holes for the external filter already

  7. Not sure its much help but just offering a reason why it could be there. Not sure if its a manufacturing problem in your case but have seen in the trade mould on (in) silicones from the practice of applying with dirty tools. I have seen it develop later in bathrooms as well. It seems like it actually grows in the silicone which make it impossible to get out.

    The lack of mould inhibitors in the silicone could also be a reason.

    i agree that its mould under the silicone, I would get it replaced under warranty as it can cause leakages in the long term

  8. I would not recommend plants with silica sand as it gets dirty and you have to stir it up to keep it clean looking. I washed mine thorougly to get rid of the lighter particles and what is left poses no problems. At $5 for 20kg bag minus 30% after washing it is pretty inexpensive.

    various fish will take care of that for you, such as corys, geophagus, several loaches, etc...

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