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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. I am getting a pufferfish or a few for our shop tanks, I have not dealt with puffers before and know they can be nasty little critters.

    They will be going into a VERY snail infested 100L tank and I was wondering how many should I keep in there at a time?

    they are supposedly 1.5cm long atm

  2. have been thinking about making a high current coldwater tank and was wondering what sort of plants would be appropriate. the end plan was for a high current down each side with a slower water area at each end for NZ natives.

    and also while we are on this topic, what about for tropical as well?

    im assumuing the plants will have to do well in a rocky substrate as sand will get blown away

  3. its my understanding that higer lifts can be achieved by using smaller tubing (less weight of water to be lifted), have seen a header tank in a single story house filled by a constantly running AP-950 air pump (didn't get to see the workings of it but was assured that thats what he was doing)

  4. "Ducktape is like the FORCE. It has a light side, and a dark side, and it holds the universe together."

    This is an easy way to sum up my wife. She has her moments where everything goes together perfectly, we agree and everything is great. She also has her moments where we disagree, and she points out ALL of the problems with my plan.

    she must be a great help when setting up a new tank, I tend get too focused on my plans without looking at negatives, takes a bit to tell myself to back off for a moment. my missus just ignores my hobby until it comes to money (she sat up the other day and said " when did you buy fish for your tank?", she had finally noticed the favinogobius (cheeky lil sod) I have in my NZ marine tank (free) after 2 months of having them :roll:

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