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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. depends on the brand but i found ceramic is around 20,000 square feet per gallon and Sintered glass around 40,000 - 50,000 sq ft per gallon (I hate imperial measurements), plastic bio balls are only around 20 - 30 sq ft per gallon

    also there is talk that sintered glass can help reduce nitrates as well (im assuming they mean in marine tanks with anaerobic bacteria)

  2. I've got a couple of plecos at the 20 cm mark. My goldies aren't as big as KP's but the two biggest have just hit the 20 cm mark. I've also got a couple of leopard cactus plecos that large.

    What ever happened to the titanic plecos (Panaque schaeferi, L203) that came in a while ago as Papa Panaques? They reportedly get to 60 cm and they should be getting to a good size now.


    nice fish !drool:

  3. I have a pair of discus that are laying eggs every Saturday, they fuss around them for a couple of days then either they eat them or someone else does ... this has been happening for about 3 months now.

    Is this healthy? :dunno: If it was us humans we would be lining up for IVF or contacting an adoption agency by now - Has there been any research on the emotional stability of fish? Should I just let them carry on or should I separate them OR sell them to someone prepared to give them an environment to breed in?

    So far I have moved them from my 200l to my 100l as the other discus were given them a hard time every time they laid. I used to see them laying and fertilizing and think "stupid fish didn't learn last week?" now my heart just sinks and I feel like I am preventing them from doing what comes naturally. :roll:

    hi, yes we have not been able to concieve due to the fact that we eat our infants, will you lease fertilise me :P

    i think CYFs would have a problem with that


  4. I always just used a large nylon scoop net with a few marbles in the bottom to weigh it down over a bare glass tank with a sponge filter, ugly but effective, move the net every day so eggs are evenly scattedered and fish waste does not pool over them. then lots of meth blue

  5. Thanks Alan :hail:

    I appreciate your advice about building more tanks, however I have neither the room nor the funds to do that sort of thing. All the tanks are in my bedroom and I really don't have the room for a proper breeding setup like what you probably have :(

    what? no room for more tanks??, remove the bed and learn to sleep standing up, great for your back

  6. Here's another vid, terrible quality because it's too dark in that corner and I don't want to disturb them with a torch..

    I think i'll just have to let nature (read:smelt) take it's course sadly, if they hatch I could try and take some out to rear but then I can't do anything with them except keep them all.

    love the sound effects :P

  7. i use tank water as it normally has some nitrates in it, you can use tap water but it takes longer. when I was breeding I just put them on a ledge at the top of my infusoria/mosquite larvae culture

  8. unfortunately perch are on the naughty list as well, and yes they are tasty (taste like gurnard)

    If you used a heater you could do convicts, they would grow fast, produce heaps of waste for the plants and they should taste ok :P

    I know synspillums taste good (dont ask, it included a bbq and beer)

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