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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. it sounds funny but Glad wrapping the tank, or duct taping a plastic sheet over it is a good Idea, would drop the water level by half to increase available oxygen and turn off all air pumps (or if you want place an air pump in a safe area and run air tubing to it) the aim is to make it as air tight as possible but make sure the fish have enough oxygen. (I would consider a couple of fish bins and heater plus air pump and catch as much as you can)

  2. I think its the knife method, will wait till later in the day (this is a retail store and the customers might get a bit grossed out).

    btw its entire throat was ripped out plus half the gill mass

    had to send off about 50 large angels once in a commercial fish farm and was the most unpleasant thing I have ever done.

  3. API has always done me proud, have had a few issues with Aqua one, JBL is good too but a bit more expensive.

    it more depends if you want accuracy or not.

    don't really need an accurate test for NH3, N02, but pH and Nitrate its best to go for highest quality.

    I would recommend a phospahte test kit too if you have algae issues

  4. I agree, easier to raise fry on their own in a smaller tank. (makes PWC's a lot easier)

    if you can afford it live brineshrimp naupili are one of the best foods for while their small.

    also had a lot of success (and very good growth rates) with crushed discus pellets.

    only prob is finding homes....

    maybe a really big tank with heaps of plants and rocks and then you could keep them all!!! (Takashi Amano did a tank like that its in his nature aquariums book.

  5. Have a large male Salvini that used to be the king of his tank, 5 days ago he dissappeared for a couple of days and since his return he has been lying on the bottom gasping.

    I pulled him out to inspect his gills and half of his gills have been torn out along with the bit that connects front and back, I am assuming this was the result of a fight with the other Salvini's in the tank.

    question is, will it grow back? or should I send him to the great tank in the sky?

  6. I got a coloney of white worms going. Easy as, cost 20 odd bucks to buy a small punnet of them and now I have a few ice cream containers full now.

    Only thing was trying to get my fish to eat them wen I drop them in :facepalm:

    your fish didn't like them????

    I have to be careful of my fingers if whiteworms are on the menu

  7. how big are they?, there is a Glass goby in NZ waters Gobiopterus semivestitus that is completely clear

    other than that can't find anything in my books or online (they don't tend to study it unless its profitable :cry:

  8. maybe, you will still get some heat transfer, so he should increase the heater size.

    seems like a pointless mission to me, :dunno: but each to their own (plus im bad for trying things that ive been told are not possible hence the 21L marine tank at home)

  9. was reading up about blennies the other day and several sources claimed true blennies only occur between north cape and east cape.

    did it look like this?


    By f15hguy at 2012-06-27

    (hope this works)

    thats a common triplefin in juvenile colouring

  10. just received an email promoting Greensun LED lighting for aquariums, they are a new aquarium LED company exporting out of china and using 3W Cree xp LED's.

    was wondering if anyone has tried these out yet and what their thoughts were.

  11. With yellows minimum tank size would be 185 litre 200+ is a good size I have my yellows in a 215 along with some rustys some red empresses and loinhead cichlids.

    loinheads???, sounds like a few ppl i know :P

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