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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. in the last lot I had 2 ripe females, both started digging under the plants as soon as they got into the tank, next day the first one was dead, no eggs left on her but you could see her all open up underneath where she was holding. the second one her eggs all went pink then she died a day later. every other one is still alive, both males and females. I thin k the babies died when she didn't release them which killed the mothers.

  2. Got a tank with 3 young surinamensis approx 7-8cm, 1 x Decorus Syno, 4 x slender hemidosis, 3 x Opaline gourami, 1 x redspot pleco (approx 15cm) 1x golden algae eater and the star of the tank 1x banded leporinus

    would 3 small oscars go in without any problems???, it previously had 3 large angels with no problems but wondering if the oscars and surinamensis would clash

  3. don't always blame the retail, sometimes theres some shockers come through the wholesalers. but most of the time they are pretty good. but as ryanjury says when you can get a purebred fish for $12wholesale and it sits in the tank for 6 months, compared to a $3 hybrid that moves quickly, its economics that dictates the options, but if the LFS is aware that there are buyers out there for the better quality fish they normally start to stock them. also the $12 fish that sits there is effectively raising the prices on every other fish in the store.

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