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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. Yeh everytime I wanna buy a fish I tell the salesperson what fish I have in my tank, and then ask if the fish I want to purchase will be good in my tank. I haven't had any fish eat fish problems so far :lol:
  2. But I assumed the smaller one was female because it had no colorings 8)
  3. Thanx for the help guys, this one must be younger than the other 3, hence no colourings.
  4. :oops: After reading the descriptions on the web, I thot that one was a female but It turns out they are all male
  5. Oh, I see. The one on the 2nd post pic have been kind of harassing the one on the top pic, I figured that this would be a female, because it does not have any colourings on its tail or fins like the ones in the second post. Thanx GUys
  6. Yes Sir I wont be getting any CAEs. Only normal Algae Eaters for me, thanx for the advice guys it is appreciated
  7. And is this one a Male ? If the link does not work, click Here
  8. Hi guys, please help me ID my gourami, I cant tell what gender it is, Im new to fishkeeping Any help appreciated
  9. One of my friends say that the algae eaters wont hesistate to attach themselves to my gourami and start eating it alive ? Is this true ?
  10. Happened to me as well, on the top of the heater where the knob is at. This will stop happening after a few clean outs. Nothing to worry bout. In my case it was replaced by brown algae :oops:
  11. Hi, My tank was looking awesome a week ago, but now the plants have gone kind of dark green, and are very unsightly to look at. Everything else seems fine and the fish are feeding fine and stuff. When I rub the leaves of the plants, the crud scratches off to reveal good looking green leaves. Also theres algae on my heater and on my tank walls. The algae is brownish in colour, and some patches of light green. If I increase the amount of plants, will this stop the algae from growing ? Thanx
  12. Thats what I thought and thats why I chose aqua one brand - I thought they were quite reputible
  13. That's what I would have thought too Ira. Recently, I purchased an aqua one glass thermometer and stuck it in my tank which is 55 Litres heated with a 100w Aqua One Heater. About four hours later, I took a look at the thermometer and it reads 28º C. I realised it was 2º C over the recommended temperature for my 2 Neons, 4 Dwarf Gouramies, 2 Bronze Corys and 2 Black Phantom tetras. I immediately turned the heater down by 2º C and temperature fell to 26º C, the recommended temperature that the LFS uses. Please note that the thermometer is on the other side of the tank as the heater is, and my Shark 1 is pointed at the heater which is placed at a 45º inclination to improve heat dissipation. This tells me that those thermostats are not perfect, and that it is best to check temperature with a thermometer. Here is a Pic of the tank I plan to use. It is made out of Acrylic.
  14. THanx man, I was worried bout the 50w heater because I thot it would be too muich fore my tank.
  15. I wanted a 25w heater for the tank, anyone know wehre I can get on cos Hollywood Fish Farm doesnt have any that are that low power rated. What If I isolate the parents after the female has dropped and leave the fry all alone in the tank? Is that Ok ?
  16. Hi All I wanted to try my hand at breeding fish, and guppies seem to be the fish that breed the easiest. I have a few questions: 1. Will a 400 x 200 x 200 mm tank do the job ? 2. What should be the male:female guppy ratio ? 3. Should the temeperature of the tank be increased / decreased ? 4. What kind of filter is best to use ? Any help appreciated
  17. I said some quite harsh things coz I was pissed off. I didn't really mean them. I wanted to kill the fish.
  18. Yes, My bad. If the other fish die, thats too bad. Thats why tis called advice alan, it does not HAVE to be followed. If you are pissed coz im not listening to waht you say and not doing waht you say, please feel free to NOT give me advice in the future next time I have a problem And Ill do wahtever the hell I want with my tank, If I want, Ill pour some pH 1 acid in it and theres nothing you can do bout it. Remember, tahts why its called advice.
  19. Yeah, I found one of the dwarfs consuming the dead fish.... I removed it with a spoon.... My 1st fish death since my new tank
  20. Hi ther... Thanx 4 the information But the most bizzare thing has happened... The NEON JUST DISSAPPEARED After I got home I turend the tank upside down loking for it... its just not there. I recently added 4 x Blue Dwarf Gouramis.... I dont know waht happened eh everything was fine... the neon just dissappeared. Did the dwarf eat it ?
  21. They don't even have java fern and java moss at my LFS. Still - Its really lame how expensive they are.
  22. I dont understand why amazon swords are so expensive, at my LFS they are like $29.95 Each !
  23. Hi there, My plants are growing like crazy since I added the 15w Flouroscent light (Or is it my eyes playing tricks on me). The ambulias have grown like 1 cm in the past couple of days. Firstly, If I cut them off, will this cause any permanent damage to the plant and stop it growing or something ? Secondly, If I cut off a part of the plant and plant it in another part of the tank, will it grow or will it die out ? Thanks for any help in advance
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