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Everything posted by trinox

  1. I do believe water flow is all good, fish seem to be floating round normally. Last night i had to cut the hoses shorter because it was getting air bubles in it and was making the CF make all sorts of loud as nosies hehe. Now its all silent. Going to get my water tested on Friday. Been feeding only once every two days. Water changed every 3 days. Hopefully this will show some signs of ammonia disapaearing.
  2. Ok, so i have both filters plugged in now thanks heaps for the advice: everyone. My tank is just a glass tank no brand haha
  3. Update: Thanks for the suggestions regards filter upgrades, i have been out today and got my self a brand new Aqua One Aquius Canister Filter 1200 Filter! Just installed it and looks like its all working. Also got told to put some 'Stability' in the water to help try and lower the Ammonia. Lets hope over the next few weeks my tank becomes safe for my fishes. Also have invested in a Master Test Kit, so i can perform the testing my self. This is coming from australia on sunday.
  4. ok , so i have just come home to check my filter and things: Now big noob mistake no.1 by me, my filter didn't have the carbon filter cartridges in it. No wonder my ammonia was probably not moving. I have now placed these into the filter. Stingray Elite a-142 *Specs* - Suitable for tanks up to 50 litres/ 10 Gal - 200lph - 220 V - H03VVH2-F 150 cm Electrical cord - 2 pieces carbon/Zeolite cartridges - 1 piece tail foam - 1 piece filter pad - Colorful display box I know take it that this filter is to small for the tank? it was the one that my girlfriends family used for several years with this tank and never really had a problem, But it appears now i do hehe. My tank is all glass and is L76cm x H47 x W36 = roughly 130L . If it is the filter not doing its job can anyone recommend a filter for me? Thanks everyone
  5. Thanks heaps for the feedback so fast! sorry for my lack in exact information, i will post exact models/stats of my filter and things when i get home from work, also ill place tank size and a few pic's. Apreciate the help. Having is not as simple as you think to start with ehehe. There is normally not much left like just 1 or 2 flakes, only things that arent taken out are the pleco logs witch are gone pretty much as soon as i turn my back. The filter came with the tank, used to be mainly my girlfriends family setup. Was just sitting around at her house for a few years and then i found it so ive set it up at my house.
  6. Hi,, I have just joined the hobby of fish keeping, got my first tank set up just over 5 weeeks ago. It is about a 130L tank with : 1 x peice of drift wood 1 x heater 150w @ 27deg and 1 x Stingray filter 1 x Air pump with two buble stones in corners 1 x Light 6 x Neon Tetra's 6 x Harlequen Rasboras 2 x Bristlenose Pleco Now i have'nt had any fish die yet but apparently they all should be dead i have been taken two lots of water samples down to my local fish store where they are telling me that my ammonia is to high. They adv me to do water changes every 3 days of 1/3 of the tank. I have been putting in Ammolock, Prime and KH booster after every water change as advised. Now my ammonia is still of the scale (as dark as can be) on the test. I feed them once a day and after a few mins i clean up any left over flakes. Can anyone give me some advice on how to get my ammonia lower? Would be greatly apreciated. Thanks
  7. this is such a awsum tank, as a newbie to fish/aquriums it is such a epic post to read. Keep it up! :happy1:
  8. Nice tank, will look awsum soon when its grown out a bit more.
  9. WoW , Thats some really nice fish. Keep it up Awsum video
  10. Nice photos, good to see someone had some sun shine over NYE hehe
  11. Those are some kool looking fish :thup:
  12. Nice photos, due to the flooding at my bach over NYE i mangaed to find 3 eels around 60-80cm long swimming in my garden . Was a very interesting sight to see.
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