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Everything posted by CatBrat

  1. Just condition them up on good quality food for a 2-3 weeks. Then perform a 40% water change with cold water and increase the flow with an extra pump. Sometimes you don't even need to do this and they will start on their own. Just make sure you keep the water quality good, and you shouldn't have any troubles. Oh, and make sure you have a suitable cave or 3 for them (for ancistrus I usually use half coconut shells, but any tight dark space can and will be used). Cheers, Jake.
  2. Haha thats the plan...eventually. For now I am just waiting for their tank to cycle, and I will have to grow them on a bit. But hopefully one day I can make them happy enough to breed for me.
  3. Hey all, Its been a long time since I have had too much to do with any pleco's, so here's hoping that these new guys do ok. I just picked up 4 of them anyway... They are called Pseudancistrus sp. L067 (unfortunatly they don't have a common name, but they are an awsome fish. Here's hoping that they settle in well! I will try to get some decent pic's once they are a bit more active... Cheers, Jake.
  4. CatBrat


    They deffinatly sound like ranunculus form that description. They have been imported a couple of times in the last 6 months. The scarlets are selling for around $200. At the moment at my work we have... scarlet pleco's (L025) x3 Magnum/mango pleco (L047) x3 Royal Panaque x1 Papa Panaque (L090) x1 Sunshine Pleco (L014) (true sunshines - captive bred) x3 "Goldy Pleco" (L253) x1 Cichchilodon Pleco x 2 Tiger Panaque (L226) x1 Clown Panaque (L104) x2 Orange Spot Ancistrus x3 Star light Ancistrus x2 (one big one small) I think thats all the L#'s we have lol. So there are a lot of them around. If you keep an eye out yu can often find a number of others around too! Cheers, Jake.
  5. Hahahaha, well at least he made the effort ( thats my dad in the pic's).
  6. Well she's finally up and running...a little later than expected, but better late than never! Was a bit of a misson getting the holes drilled into the stand. On our first attempt we managed to break our drill saw bit (before we even got through the first hole :roll:)...Then we hit both of the support frames So it was a matter of getting inside the stand to drill the holes... We goth there in the end tho... After 24 hours you can really see the skimmate... So all in all I am really pleased so far. I also added 2 new fish today, a lone Clown Fish, and a SixLine wrasse. Both from a friend who is closing down her tank. Will get some pics of them later. Cheers, Jake.
  7. yup its going on this tank. Will hopefully be getting it all conected up later this week.
  8. haha, u sure? I'm looking forward to seeing how it runs after i get it all set-up.
  9. Picked up my new toy o the weekend (cheers Ben), but I have a feeling it might be a little bit small for my tank! What do you guys reckon...
  10. Hahaha, thats the one! Put on a catchy tune and you will be amazed at what your fish start to do . Its a Jurapari. I have a pair in there, both around 12-13cm.
  11. A new pic I just took... I hope you like it... Cheers, Jake.
  12. Thanks for all the cometns guys. The Camera is a Canon EOS 40D, so it is very nice! Shes not too bad, 1200mm x 600 high x 450 wide if I remember rightly. The big fish in hte center is a Flagtail Prochilodus. The angels and discus get along fine. Discus are big enough that none of the other fish bother them, they are always first up for food, and show great colours so they seem happy to me. And yup caryl that is a Pigeon. One of our doves turned up about 3 years ago now with it in tow, and it has been here ever since, lol.
  13. Hey all, I haven't been posting much in recent times, so thought I should post a couple of pic's. I have just bought a new camera, so I'm still just learning how to use it, but here are a couple of my recent pic's... Discus: Golden Dwarf Nanacara: Full Tank Shot: Oh and a couple of non fishy photo's... Let me know what you think, I hope you enjoy... Cheers, Jake.
  14. The waste will sit on top, but as long as you syphon as per normal it stays very clean. Looks awsome too! My corys love it, their snouts basically sink into it when they are hunting for food. They all have full whiskers as well, so it doesn't seem to wear them down Cheers, Jake.
  15. Hey all, Long time no update. Tank is still running, but I have been a bit slack with maintance, and have developed a bit of hair algae lately. The skimmer I have on at the moment just isn't cutting it, but i will be saving for a shinny new deltec once I get back from USA, but that’s not until the end of the year :-? I have been getting some pleasing coral growth since my lighting upgrade. My green buttons have gone from 4 polyp's to 32 polyps in the last 6 weeks, and my branching hidnophora is really taking off! Any way, I rearranged a few of the corals tonight, so will get a FTS up once it settles down a bit, but for now here are a few shots... My new ricordia/hairy 'shrooms... This is 3 months growth from this coral (what type is it please? I keep forgetting the name)... The same Candy cane from above has now split into 3 heads/mouths... The good old Midas Blenny... And the newest addition... I know this guy will get way too big for my tank, but I was given him from a mate who had him in a 30l tank :roll: and at the moment it is only 4-5cm. He seems to be loving the extra space! As I say, will hopefully have a new FTS shot up soon... Cheers, Jake.
  16. I just go home to find my Purple feather duster has crawled out of its tube, and ummm what on earth should I do???? It is rolling around still attached to its worm/body, and the worm part is wriggling around, but I have no idea on wether I can save it! all other corals and fish are fine! Any help much appreciated! Cheers, Jake.
  17. Awsome news mate!!! We just got 10 of these guys in at work, and OMG they are a nice fish!!!! Very tempting!!!
  18. Silver speckles like in the second pic in the L.Morrowi link? Yea the L.Oncinus is one very cool catfish. The one I ad is the only one I have ever seen in NZ (I hope there are more around), unfortunatly I sold it on TM awhile ago, and I have been kicking myself ever since!
  19. I only saw a glimps of them a Phills once, but from memory I think I thought they were Liosomadoras morrowi. Can you get a pick tho,as that would help! I used to have a Liosomadoras oncinus, which has to be one of the coolest cat's ever! How many do you have? Cheers, Jake.
  20. Hey, They are Rineloricaria melini. It would be great if you could find them down your way! Cheers, Jake.
  21. Hey everyone, Is anyone else out there keeping these guys? Anyone having any luck breeding them? I picked up a male from my work, but by the time I managed to have a hunt for a female they had all sold out from around my way lol. Any help tracking down a girl would be much appreciated! Cheers, Jake.
  22. I don't think I agree with that. I use the Fuji Finepix S5500 (the older version of the S5600) and some of mine come out ok, lol. BTW, nice pic's mate! Love that first one.
  23. Here's a few more pic's... Full tank... Just the Blues on... And a couple of new corals... Hairy 'shrooms: Orange Fungia: after 2 hours in my tank (not fully opened yet) With the blues on: Im stoked about the fungia as I have been wanting to find one since I set my tank up!! Cheers, Jake.
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