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Everything posted by CatBrat

  1. What do you mean by... Cheers, CatBrat.
  2. CatBrat

    Ornate Birchir?

    I have seen both the regular colour form and the albino form for sale at Hollywood Fish Farm in Auckland. Where are you located? Cheers, CatBrat.
  3. Yep, I am very happy . They have now all left the males cave. I counted 11 out and about last night, but I 'm sure that there are probably more I didn't see hiding in the wood and Java Fern. They have already started to eat zucchine (spelling). Cheers, CatBrat.
  4. The eggs have all hatched and I now have 15-20 babies . This time the male didn't kick out any eggs so I left them all in with him and they are doing great. Last night the the first 4 fry came out in search of food, as they have now fully consumed their yolk sac. I didn't use the nets, as they seem to be doing great in the breeding tank (although I did make a netted egg/fry container out of an old plastic breeding trap which will work much better than the last one I used). Cheers, CatBrat.
  5. Baby Feather-fin Syno's (Synodontis Eupterus) sell for around $10-15 each (usally sold as Upside-down Catfish) and are quite common. They seem to be quite hardy and adaptable to water conditions. Cheers, CatBrat.
  6. Have you got any better picture's yet? Not that I have ever kept a L204, but the face profile of the fish in the photo seems to be rounded like Hypancistrus sp.. Alan_au, do your L204 have a rounded face, and large eyes like species Hypancistrus? It's just that I haven't had a chance to look at them up close :oops: . Cheers, CatBrat.
  7. I would only recommend Redspot, or common plecos if you have a large tank, as these can get huge (ie well over a foot long). Cory's would be good as they stay quite small. Can you give us some info on your set-up? (ie tank size) Cheers, CatBrat.
  8. So you can't get either? It's a real shame they are a diffrent species, as the two females seem to be gravid with eggs. They are 'displaying' to each other (fins up, shaking ect). I would have loved to have tried to spawn them. Anyone out there have either male Aphyosemion bivittatum or female Aphyosemion filamentosum that they would be willing to sell? Cheers, CatBrat.
  9. Well thats a bugger :evil: The two females I bought are the ones with the two stripes. Can you get male Aphyosemion bivittatum in NZ? Also can you get female Aphyosemion filamentosum in NZ? Thanks for the help Alan Cheers, CatBrat.
  10. I bought two of these Killies (my first) a while ago as a pair, but I have since found out that they are both males . I weent back and I found another two which they were selling as females, but I am unsure if they are the same species :-? Any way I would like to know what they actually are. Here's a couple of pic's of the males (haven't got any of the females yet)... BTW, can anyone give me a discription of the females? Cheers, CatBrat.
  11. I think that the 'whiptails' tend to grow with age, (but don't quote me on that) so it could be a young one? how big is it? Also check out L270, Chocolate Zebra Pleco. If you can, can you take a close up of the mouth? As it can help narrow it down to a genus through looking at the teeth. Cheers, CatBrat.
  12. I'm no expert. At first I thought that it looked like a L204, Flash Pleco (does it look like this up close, see Planet Catfish), but it seems to have very large eyes and it's face seems to be rounded like a Hypancistrus sp., but this could just be the angle ofthe shot :-? A clearer pic would be a great help. Do you mind if I ask how much you paid for it? If it is a L204 they normaly cost around $180+. Cheers, CatBrat.
  13. CatBrat

    Hi there

    Hi Judy, Welcome to the Fishroom What are the six fish that you have left? Cheers, CatBrat.
  14. Hi panaque, If you do find any for sale could you contact me? I would love to set up a colony and to try to breed them. I'm also hooked on catfish. Cheers, CatBrat.
  15. Hi Kelpy, Welcome to the site :lol: Do you keep any fresh water tanks as well? Cheers, CatBrat.
  16. The babies are going great I have 7 healthy fry which are in the breeding trap I put the eggs in. Cheers, CatBrat
  17. Yeah, they are starting to hatch I just found a newly hatched fry in the breeding tank 8), so I put it in the breeding trap with the other eggs that got kicked out. I also had a look in the males cave, but none of them seem to have hatched yet, nor have the ones that were kicked out. So they will hopefully hatch sometime in the next 24 hours. Fingers crossed. Cheers, CatBrat.
  18. Thanks a lot guys I think the eggs are still fine. The male kicked 6 eggs out, so I have put them in a breeder box floting in the tank. I'm trying my hardest not to disturb the tank too much. It's so hard to resist looking in his cave, LOL :lol: . I will keep you posted. Cheers, CatBrat.
  19. Stone and Water World is a good place to get your gravel. I think it's about $12-$15 for a 25kg bag if I remember rightly. Cheers, CatBrat.
  20. You wouldn't belive it. I got home from school just now and went to clean out the filters in my Black Eyed Yellow Bristle-nose (L144) tank (as I have been lazy the last couple of weeks, the flow from each of them had dropped right off :oops: ), when I found my male garding a small clutch of eggs (maybe about 10-15) :lol: I had been starting to think that the young L144 that I bought in July was actually a male, but it obviously is not She is still quite small, probably 6cm with her tail. I don't have my hopes up too high as this is both the male and the females first spawn and the eggs are most probably unfertile. But its a step in the rigth direction. Cheers, CatBrat.
  21. CatBrat

    Knife Fish

    Yup, that is definatly a catfish. I can remember reading the story somewhere (it is some sort of fishing record), but I can't remeber where. Cheers, CatBrat.
  22. CatBrat

    hi all

    Welcome to the site Anne I just saw some of those polypterides at an LFS, I thought they looked really neat. How big are your ones? Cheers, CatBrat.
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