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Everything posted by Li@m

  1. Im not talking about new species, but existing ones.
  2. Im guessing there is a blanket ban on al importation of aquatic plants? Even tissue cultured plant?
  3. Li@m

    ram gender?

    All Are males.
  4. No im with Ron, an importer is selling 1000+fish a hobbist is a person selling under 100 IMO.
  5. Its been around for years, At a glance you cannot tell the difference between xmas and peacock.
  6. Bulb plants such as: Tiger lotus, Barclaya longifolia. Its a little ball at the base of the plant and will usually go rotten if left buried fully.
  7. Li@m

    ID please

    You cant be definitively correct until they flower, but you can have an educated guess. If you want an ID post the pics up.
  8. These are all in the same tank.
  9. There seems to be a very small Nana 'Petite' And then a slightly larger one Both which are significantly smaller than A. barteri nana. So my question is, are they both 'Petite'?
  10. Its a bulb plant so can i bury the bulb?
  11. Li@m

    The What's Up? thread.

    Re-scaped my rank.
  12. Li@m

    ID please

    On second thought the top looks like to be C.beckettii . 1- C.beckettii 2- C.wendtii 3,4,5- C.undulata
  13. Li@m

    ID please

    Well you definitely dont have Barclaya Adrienne! Ill pm you about pick up.
  14. Li@m

    ID please

    1&2-wendtii 3-5- undulta
  15. Crinum purpurascens- Is it actually in NZ? Anyone had this before?
  16. 1.41 http://tvnz.co.nz/the-430-show/s2014-ep59-video-5972907
  17. Great photos as usual! :nfs: :cophot:
  18. Li@m

    New on here

    & Welcome! When did you setup your tank?
  19. This is a poorly made survey. I really would gave expected better from Boffa.
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