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Everything posted by Li@m

  1. The Devils Tears - Angus and Julia Stone
  2. Used to have mini lops, they were friendly and easy to look after.
  3. Li@m

    ID please

    Yeah its most likely Hydrocotyle leucocephala.
  4. I've used navmans with success. In Auckland its all about knowing alternate routes and times that the traffic starts to build up and weather you are going towards the CBD our way from it at these times.
  5. Li@m


    The bulb brings our the colour in fish and is mainly for plants. If you run it in tandem with a white bulb it will look more natural.
  6. You Sir are brave putting that router under there! Im guessing its temporary.
  7. 3rd pic is Hydrocotyle leucocephala 4th is probably Wendtii green@ the front and undulata at the back 5th is star grass 7 is star grass,Hygrophila polysperma and what might be Rotala indica
  8. I thought you had Anubias Barteri in your discus tank?
  9. Has this ever been in NZ? Sounds like it could be confused with Normal Anubias Barteri?
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