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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    ID that Algae!

    Without real plants you are more likely to get different sorts of algae than those that grow on plants. There's algae that grow with little or no light and as you will also be feeding algae wafers, your algae eaters will be fine.
  2. Water level has dropped again but not as much and less so they are getting there!
  3. pics are always helpful. Post here if you can or give us a link.
  4. Caryl

    ID that Algae!

    Excess algae can take nutrients from plants. If you have the cyanobacter which makes a bright or dark green mat over everything, it will kill the plants underneath. There is nothing wrong with algae in your tanks per se. After all, they are just a lower form of plant but if they take over then you have problems.
  5. I believe water bed pads have been used unsuccessfully. We too had our wires made up and heat shrunk by Argus.
  6. He is right, I do and Grant has built them. Amazonian does as well but not sure if he makes them for others. Both men mentioned have extensive electrical backgrounds and training.
  7. Caryl

    New Filter

    I always have spare sponge or internal filters running in my main tanks for use in quarantine tanks or when setting up another tank. Then they are ready to use immediately. I use water out of the main tank too.
  8. Looks like they have topped up the water level again. Measured it at lunchtime so will check again later. FINS CROSSED!!!!
  9. Caryl


    That is the oddest thing I have ever come across and not seen anything like it before. I can only think it is some sort of cancer perhaps. If it was infectious I would expect the others to show similar symptoms by now. Sorry I have no suggestions for you except I would be inclined to euthanase the fish.
  10. Always get the biggest you can afford
  11. Caryl


    Welcome nebs. There are quite a few Aussie sites dealing with fish.
  12. Caryl

    sick giant danio

    Don't think so.
  13. Caryl

    sick giant danio

    Yes I saw him briefly last night while eating my tea. When I went to catch him after I had finished, he had gone again. He was less curved than before I thought but still slowly turning in circles. Seemed happy enough though so I will wait and see.
  14. Yes they do but not totally. They draw their nutrients from the water.
  15. Gravel is fine, as long as it is not too big. Java will attach itself to the gravel but don't completely bury the roots, just anchor enough to hold it down.
  16. Hmm I don't have the photo index, just Vol.1, 2 & 3. Wonder if I should look into it. I do not believe books are necessarily an outdated way of getting information and have access to over 250 books here (plus many more magazines) when referencing for articles, as well as searching the Net. Although a great source of information, the Net is also a great source of misinformation. I always double check anything I find on the Net (unless I am sure of the source). Having said that, I know books are not infallible either and Axelrod's Atlases also have their fair share of mistakes. Despite the Net, I certainly do need, and buy, books and will continue to do so. I rarely use my Axelrods any more but regularly check with my Baensch's as they are more informative.
  17. I never add anything to my tanks if I can help it. We don't have chlorine in our water supply either which helps.
  18. Caryl

    sick giant danio

    Not that I noticed. Went to check and can't find him. He has been loop de looping in the front right corner all day and has now disappeared damn him! :evil:
  19. No, it sat on the lounge floor in the sun
  20. Welcome. How lucky you are to have had the help of an experienced marine fishkeeper!
  21. Kicking and screaming wouldn't fix it and they are doing their best.
  22. I have a giant danio with a distinctive lean to the left. Makes him swim in circles, when he isn't curving gently in a corner. Any ideas? When I feed the fish he gets excited and manages to swim (in circles) up to the food and feed then sinks again. He does not have dropsy. All other fish 100%.
  23. I would put him in something so he didn't have to swim so far and exhaust himself.
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