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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I have had my book for some time (mine was ordered in an earlier lot). I find it excellent except for the page numbers which are hard to read being too small with the background behind them.
  2. While on holiday a lot of places were selling photos printed onto canvas. They looked really good but were much more interesting pictures than the one on Trademe. Wonder how they do it? (put the pics on canvas I mean)
  3. Very nice looking log too. A nice work in progress.
  4. The old media will still be fine.
  5. But you will have received a registration form quite some time ago!
  6. A little more info would be helpful. How big is the tank? What was in it? How long had it been set up? What filter was being used? Do you have any test kits to check pH, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? These would give us a better idea of what has happened. Usually white water means an imbalance in the tank and so you get the white, temporary, algae bloom which clears itself. It is also harmless to fish.
  7. Very nice. Look forward to your pics when they have bred
  8. Another day all survivors seem to be happy and swimming well with no sign of disease. Will feed them tonight. Haven't done so since the strip down.
  9. He is making a nest for himself under the log. One of their favourite resting places. Young BNs will sucker themselves all over the place, sometimes out of the water but not for long. Might have been trying to reach a particularly tasty piece of algae
  10. Yes, just adjust the aim of the spray bar (even towards the glass) until you have it right for discus. You can never have too much filtration.
  11. Yuor hot water cylinder is set to 100C?
  12. Very nice. I see you give them magazines to read. How do you stop the ink running? 8)
  13. Have fun. Get the girlfriend involved!
  14. I wanna go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do they do overnighters?
  15. Caryl

    Itchy fishies!

    Sorry to hear that Frenchie. Of all the Malawis I lost, the yellows seem to have come through the best - so far and fins crossed it stays that way.
  16. I see he has now discovered they are poorly developed swordtails and is withdrawing the auction.
  17. Thank you all for your kind words and suggestions. Fish seem well this morning, no sign of whitespot yet. No vallis around here Frenchie (unless I head to the river and gather up the illegal stuff ) Fish haven't been fed since the disaster. May give them a little tonight and see if they are interested. The tank now has 3 filters running on it. A fully cycled Fluval 404 and the Eheim wet/dry and Jebo 819 which both got thoroughly cleaned (and the Eheim was sterilised as well). Since I hate adding stuff to tanks I will leave it as is, since the Fluval should be enough, and see how it goes.
  18. I still have some left Ira! The filter was possibly unplugged for at least 2 weeks and really stank. The odd 'fudged' bits along the front glass are badly scratched areas from when we had lots of big gravel and rocks in there when it was a coldwater marine. Badly damaged the glass on all sides Anyone know what this one is? Set up the Fluval from the barb tank and have restarted the Eheim after sterilising the media. Will do the same for the Jebo later tonight. Have a club meeting here later.
  19. These can be expected I guess when you live so far out in the boonies
  20. Not sure how old they have to be but as for getting them to breed - they either will or they won't. They seem to breed continually for a time then stop for no discernable reason (sometimes several years) then start again - and the other way around.
  21. They suspect where the leak is but several attempts to seal it have failed so they figure a liner over (or should that be under?) everything will do the trick.
  22. You might have read the thread re my 4ft x 2 x 2 African tank and the unplugged filter. Things have gone from bad to worse. I now have 5 electric yellows plus 3 other fish (hard to tell at this stage but I suspect a couple of borleyis and a blue something left. In my rubbish are my favourite S ahli (15cm), an 8cm J marlieri and a couple more 11 and 15cm borleyis When we discovered the unplugged Eheim wet/dry filter, Grant cleaned it out thoroughly, put the media back (it now smelled OK) and restarted the filter. Next day fish were not looking their usual perky selves so we figured it was the media. We unplugged the filter again (all the while the tank still had a fully operational Jebo 819 running) and sterilised the media. We found 3 electric yellow fry in the filter too! This morning (still not replugged the Eheim in) I saw first the S Ahli, then the other blue dead in the tank and the marlieri missing. I realised there may be other fish missing as they are hard to count when they hide in the rockwork so decided I had to strip the tank totally to get them all out and do a head count. Lifted a rock and phew! What a smell. A well and truly dead, by now unrecognisable as it had lost all colour, fish. Big barrels brought inside and tank stripped. Fish divided up into barrels to prevent too much aggression. As well as finding the other large fish I also caught 1 electric yellow fry about 1.5cm and 21 more the same size as those in the filter - about 0.5cm. The one bright spot in my day. I now have the tank refilled and have slowly been doing partial water changes in the barrels to prepare them for their total water change. I have not dared turn the Jebo back on as it will be full of smelly polluted water. Do you think I should sterilise its media as well? This would mean recycling the tank with 8 large fish in it (ranging 8cm - 14cm), or just empty the water out of it and refill it as is? I think I will have to recycle and be resigned to large water changes as it progresses. I think I will pinch the Fluval 404 off the golden barb's 3ft tank and leave them with a couple of internal Shark filters and use the Fluval through the cycle. What do you all think? Sorry this is so long but I am so upset. We have had these fish 3 years and they did not deserve to die like this. PS. Saved the fry and dumped them in a spare small tank. Will need to find a filter for them too. Got several sponge and box filters around here somewhere :roll:
  23. ljtan55 - no nothing. As far as I know water conditioner removes chlorine doesn't it? We don't have chlorine added to our water supply.
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