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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    pacu petition

    You write it Sharn and I will edit it.
  2. OK guys, here are 236 pics taken over the weekend. Enjoy... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... ce%202006/ Especially those who kept asking about caserole's fishroom Please remember it was a very confined space and the lower tanks were so dark the pics were taken while Stu shone a torch on the fish!
  3. I really like those demasonis.
  4. That's a nice fish (and her house is nice too).
  5. 2 of each would be better. The more females per males you have the better as it spreads the harassment. Only time will tell if this molly will settle, depends on his personality.
  6. Not bad I guess :lol: I too was wondering about the plant in the middle of the driftwood. Well done.
  7. Hi Elly, The male sailfin will be making sure he is the dominant male and will probably keep attacking the other fish, especially as he is the only molly. With no female molly and both mollies and guppies being of the Poeciliidae family, he will go for next best (male livebearers aren't fussy). Either get him some females (2 or 3) or get rid of the guppies or he will kill the female. Those gouramis will also tend to nip whenever they can. I would not keep them with long finned fish. It depends on individual personalities of the fish though. Some people have no trouble with them. You ought to get more guppies too as a ratio of 1 male to 3 or more females is best or he will kill the female by harassing her to death - if the molly doesn't beat him to it. Clown loaches get too big for a tank your size. They are very slow growers but get over 20cm. Corys like company too so a couple of mates for him/her would be good. Hope this helps. 8)
  8. masses of cabomba or ambulia are also good as well as the already mentioned plants.
  9. Marlborough's are correct thanks.
  10. If possible, you can drop an airline tube with a diffuser (air stone) on the end down inside the tube but if the uplift is not wide enough to do this, turn down the pump so it is pushing less bubbles through. Most pumps have a small knob to turn to get more or less air through the pump. If it does not have any way to adjust the flow of bubbles, you can get small clamps to attach to the airhose to squeeze it shut a bit to restrict the airflow and lessen the size and number of bubbles.
  11. Good job on the newsletter Willy. 8)
  12. Look I am working on it! I also have to get the Minutes finished and information sent to the new secretary so hold your horses! I am going as fast as I can. For those who have asked - yes I did take pics of caserole's fishroom!
  13. He is so easy to mock I don't think you need my help
  14. It isn't a warm welcome. It is down to 2C here and dropping
  15. Ah I see you made it. Welcome to the fishroom!
  16. It was the bits you were jiggling that we found funny
  17. I do too but you are supposed to have separate stuff for separate tanks, or sterilise in between.
  18. Yes you buy peat from garden centres. Be careful to get peat only, not the stuff that has been treated with mould inhibitors or other stuff.
  19. I don't know. I thought wok's striptease on Saturday night was hilarious! :lol:
  20. Caryl

    Fluval FX5

    Brad we have found an Aussie site that will freight a Fluval FX-5 to NZ for $325 Aussie, inc freight. It is $314.95 for the actual filter. That is from The Aquarium Shop www.theaquariumshop.com.au. If you are able, or want to, match this we would get it from you instead
  21. Brilliant weekend! Well done all. I will be adding pics (started a new thread for conference pics - feel free to add your own) as I get them uploaded over the next few days.
  22. Only one to start with until I have time to enhance (we need all the enhancing we can get!) resize and upload the rest. Here is a group shot of fishroom members... Back left to right: Paul (billaney), David, Faran (blue), Caryl, Warren, Dave, Ira, Paul (wok), Stu (caserole), Errol (Amazonian) front row sitting or kneeling: Sarah, Chris, Kevin (kevin_wgtn) Mitch (minchton), Shane (HandS) Others were there throughout the weekend but not that night. I have pics of them to upload yet.
  23. Caryl

    platty with tb

    There could be a number of things wrong with him, TB being least likely I think. If he was sitting on the bottom when he was still in the shop you should not have bought him, despite his pretty colours. He may be sick or damaged from a net during capture. One sick, or damaged, fish does not mean the shop is not good. Even good shops have the occasional problem with fish. It is up to the buyer to make sure they choose good specimens.
  24. Easy to do. When you get the fish make sure they are bagged correctly. Large fish need one to a bag but smaller ones you will get away with more. Less is better though. Use 1/3 water to 2/3 air. Double bag them if possible (ie put the bag inside another bag). Pack the bags of fish carefully into a polystyrene box or chilly bin if you have one. Scrunched up newspaper around them will help keep the heat in a stop the bags moving around. You car will probably be a nice warm temperature so heating won't be required but if you are concerend, a plastic fizzy bottle filled with warm water and wrapped in a towel or newspaper will suffice. Be careful of fish with sharp spines or pectoral fins as they will pierce a plastic bag. Put them in a solid plastic container instead. I regularly transport fish over several hours with no problems at all.
  25. That's interesting Tim as I was told that a lot of the guppies imported over the past 1 - 2 years had bacterial infections that didn't respond to treatment, hence the heavy losses but from what you say, this doesn't sound correct.
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