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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Before you start thinking meds, get the water tested so we know what those readings are I asked about. Without that we do not know where to start. It could be due to high levels of these toxins or a gill disease. Clowns are also sensitive to many meds.
  2. You get some good waves in a decent sized quake. Leave at least 10cm at the top for sloshage :lol:
  3. If it tastes as good as my friend's Dutch apple pie I think I will make the trip down! :lol:
  4. It was the "bring the kids and we can fire up the BBQ" that had me wondering :lol: I don't think she is planning on cooking the plates at all. Good luck Loopy :bounce:
  5. Thanks Alan I will see what I can find. I was thinking of polyurethane or similar coating.
  6. Caryl


    There is a difference between pond filtration and a sump. For a freshwater tank, the sump provides extra water surface area and a place to put all the other equipment so it is not in the main tank. A pond filter is just a filter without adding much in the way of water surface area. If the sump is set up as a trickle filter it adds even more filtration. I have seen pond filters on large tanks and they do work, but can be noisy (so can sumps).
  7. 1. The only time you have too many plants in your tank is when there is nowhere for the fish to swim. 2. You need pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate tests. Never use the Up and Down solutions that come with some kits. A basic pH is all you need, make sure it is for freshwater. A simple one is all you require, not one with the other chemicals included. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate kits seem to be around $20 - $25 You can also buy all in the one kit. Shop around as prices vary. 3. Testing during cycling is useful, or when something is wrong. Otherwise, I never test at all. If you are new to fishkeeping, testing before and after water changes, and recording the results, can be helpful.
  8. I thought about dropping it in the pond actually :lol:
  9. Have you done water tests? What are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings? Clowns are very sensitive to water quality. Any extra redness in the gills? How big is the tank and how long has it been set up? What else is in it?
  10. Fish numbers increased to 9 today when a neighbour said I could catch 6 fish out of her pond. The 6 new ones are 5 - 8cm so a good size. Two of them are females full of eggs so my pond should have plenty of fish in it by new year. Jude I am sorry but I think your fish has died. When we went out it was lying on its side It was very windy here today :roll:
  11. I always have glass or perspex between the water and the lights.
  12. Our timber around the tanks is sealed.
  13. The suction cups need to be at the thermostat end, not on the heating element as they will slowly disintegrate from the heat.
  14. No swimming yet - too cold! Jude, the fish is at the other end as I worry it will wear down too fast if it is exposed to the elements since it is fairly soft limestone. I figured it was safer under the verandah. I am wondering about sealing it but worry it might spoil its looks.
  15. OK. Here it is September. Still bare until the plants grow but it is getting there. We don't see the fry we added a couple of weeks ago unless we poke about through the oxygen weed as they hide all the time. Added 3 large (about 10cm each not inc tail) fish today. They have been living in a paddling pool out the back up until now... Look at all the pollen stuck to the exposed leaves!
  16. Feeding neons is an expensive live food isn't it?
  17. 1. They should be OK with the swords 2. Heater shouldn't burn through the plastic. If it has suction cups the heater won't touch the plastic either 3. They won't be happy in a breeding trap
  18. Gorgeous pics as usual but I don't like the fish. Don't shoot me!! I have never liked Bettas much. They hang around loooking bored and depressed. I like a fish with a bit of action! :lol: I am sure the Betta lovers' opinions will far outweigh mine
  19. Caryl


    Better wait until bOi confirms it. I might be wrong (rare but it has been known )
  20. Caryl


    I think it's the pair of T duboisi?
  21. I think we all feel the same :roll: Well done on the whiptails though. Not many have bred them.
  22. Caryl


    Might be a good idea to start a new thread bOi so others may see it (some don't read this bit)
  23. I used to drive Grant nuts when I measured curtains by saying they are 2 metres, 1 inch and 3 doodackeys. Now I just drive Grant nuts :roll:
  24. Hi and welcome. They sound like as much work as watering houseplants! Though I know what you mean (she says listening to her houseplants gasp "Water! Water!") Got any pics?
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