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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I keep telling people I like the Jebo 819. It sells in some places for $150. I don't know anything about the Aqua One's, or how their price compares, but others say they like them.
  2. Remember to make sure your hands are wet if you touch the newts.
  3. Caryl

    ID please

    Thank you. A cigar shark we will stick with. I thought it was some sort of shark but not which one. A member of the new Nelson club asked what it was. I don't think she has plans to eat it though Makes you wonder who found out it causes nausea :lol:
  4. It's times like this you wonder why you keep fish :-?
  5. I am a fan of external canister filters myself, particularly the Jebo range 8)
  6. Caryl

    ID please

    What is this fish please? It is about 35cm long.
  7. They lay their eggs on the underside of plant leaves. I was catching fry from my big pond this afternoon. Hard to catch 2cm fry in a 32ft pond :roll: Only catching them so Grant could play with the macro mode on his new camera 8) . They will be released into the small pond to grow up unmolested by the bigger fish.
  8. The problem, as he has realised, is that it is safety glass which you can't cut. I have several odd sized sheets of it behind the house. One sheet made a great cover for a coffee table though Keep an eye out for another sheet of glass the right size, or buy another sheet. Use the remaining sheets as covers.
  9. It has a lip at the top that hangs over the edge of the glass so the filter is on the outside of the tank and the uplift pipe is on the inside
  10. As an aside, transporting fish would be no problem. I regularly buy fish in ChCh to transport home over 4 hrs away. Have also travelled 3 days with bagged fish 8)
  11. Caryl

    300L pond

    Goldfish are tolerant of a very wide range of pH. Where is the pond (full sun, full shade, a bit of each)? How deep is it? How much sun does it get? How much plant cover does it have? I think 5 large comets are too many for only 300L and a sudden warm day plus too much algae meant a lack of oxygen. She should fix the cause of the algae rather than toss chemicals into the water.
  12. Great pics there and very healthy plant growth. I liked the red badis and blue ram.
  13. synodontis or bristlenoses
  14. Have you set up your albums to be viewed? They are set to private unless you change it.
  15. Not fast enough eh Shilo? 8)
  16. Zebra danios are shoaling fish and need to be in a group of 6 or more so they will leave other fish alone. Do you have room in the tank to add more?
  17. You mean electric yellow Malawi cichlids? Mine just got spirulina flakes like the adults. I would expect micro worms to be too small and my cichlids didn't like brine shrimps.
  18. Just because something is more nutritious doesn't mean it is tasty When given the choice between a cream bun and broccoli I know which I would prefer :lol:
  19. Older fry can eat them if they are small enuogh to fit in their mouths. Fry do not usually get stuck in the gravel. Corys are bottom feeders so don't usually eat fry.
  20. A small tank would be better but make sure it has lots of Java moss or sprite in there to protect the babies. Mother guppies have no maternal instinct. They see fry, they eat them. Breeding traps stress the mums too much and sometimes they abort.
  21. I have 30L barrels I put water, fish and plants into.
  22. Both females are quite able to eat the babies if they are within reach. Depending on the size and age of the female, the number of fry varies considerably but she will have had more than two. Most likely she ate others. Do you have lots of fine plants in the isolation tank? This will give the fry somewhere to hide otherwise they have little chance of survival. It pays to keep a female separate from the males for a week to give her a rest after giving birth.
  23. Caryl


    I was going to offer a suggestion but remembered this is a family forum :lol:
  24. They can be noisy (when they actually run properly but since ours has very rarely done so, I can't remember how noisy it was) but not too bad. I didn't think they sold them any more because of the problems they had with them.
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