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Everything posted by s3xtcy

  1. Is your sump near a hose pipe? I want to connect my RODI filter to the hose, and turn the flow on/off with a 12v water switch out of a old washing machine, hooked to a float switch or similar to turn it on/off
  2. Hi everyone, Im looking for some macro algaes in Tauranga or near by that I can try out to help with problem algae, the tank has been running for almost a year, nsw used for changes and rodi unit used for top up, fed every other day and 8 hours of lighting, split with a 4 hour gap in between. Lighting is 2x 150w metal halides. Anyway I still get some (a very small amount) of brown algae on the glass, but more annoying is the green algae, that sticks on the glass, it doesnt get long like hair algae, it stays short and its bloody hard to scrub off. There is also a bit of hair algae id like to kill off too before it goes nuts. If anyone has a few different types of macro algaes (pref something suited to a low light sump) id be happy to buy some. Ive read theres some that can be gotten from local waters but i dont have any diving facilities available! :'( Thanks heaps
  3. Sweet, then they are obviousally in the "want at a later date, maybe" category. Lol thanks
  4. Sweet, thanks everyone, I have bought the BM :happy2: So stoked to be finally getting into SW :happy1:
  5. Ive been looking at alot of videos of saltwater setups, and Ive found that it seems to be quite 50/50 as to whether or not they have a UV Sterilizer, My question is, is it necessary? And if it is, should I be running all the water between tank and sump through the filter, or should it be a smaller amount, say a recirculated amount in the sump, as to keep some of the good bacteria alive, rather than blasting it into oblivion? In this video I see he has a very nice looking white UV filter, that looks like it was designed to use PVC connections, everything Ive seen at my LFS and on trademe looks cheap and has multifit hose connections that you clamp down with hose clamps (if at all!) Can anyone point me in the right direction of a decent UV filter, similar to this one preferably, that has the ability to have the PVC connections? Thanks heaps Video : Time : 1:40 & 1:50
  6. Hi there, Im starting my first saltwater tank, and just not quite sure what to buy protein skimmer wise, the tank is roughly 240 litres, plus the sump. However in the (hopefully) not too distant future I want to upgrade to a 450 litre tank, and probably the same sump. Ive been offered a Bubble Magus NAC7 Protein Skimmer with a spare needle wheel for $200, its aparantly under a year old, and is currently running, soon to be available. My other option is a Aqua One G220 protein skimmer, brand new for $180. Ive trawled the internet and found so many conflicting reviews about both units, however some of the technical parts I dont really understand, I was hoping someone may have had some experience with either skimmer and may be able to offer their suggestions? Thanks alot :cr3:
  7. s3xtcy

    What to do?

    Are your tanks in one of the businesses down there? Or a private collecton?
  8. Hey there, I'm looking at setting up a marine tank here in Tauranga, is it ok to use the water at sulphur point / mount to start cycling my tank? Also what percentage would you change per week short and long term? Debating about collecting or buying a RODI filter. Thanks!
  9. s3xtcy

    rodi units

    Ive been looking at that too, did you end up getting one?
  10. yeah Ill do that with the ammonia, etc, but I dont want to buy another gh and kh if the one i have is fine, by "they" do you mean all of them? I just found it interesting that the new ones are stamped with an expiry of 2017, especially since the old ones aparantly expire after 1 year?
  11. Hey all, Ive recently moved from Rotorua to Tauranga, and ever since ive been here (in welcome bay) my pH has been reading as low as my test kit goes (yellow yellow yellow!), I added a heap of coral rock into the filter but it didnt make a difference, I found out that the pH kit expires, one of the local shops tested the pH for me and it was perfect, so my question is, do all the API tests expire, or is it just a ingredient in the pH one that does? Ive bought a freshwater master test kit today, but it doesnt come with gh and kh tests, and I want to know if these will still be all good? test kits are about 2 years old.. the new ones have a expiry date of 2017 would be a pity to throw out all the old ones, to find only the pH one expires! Cheers
  12. Hmmm ok, is there any way to test? Or any ways to rectify the coral if it has been subjected to copper meds?
  13. Rebuild your cabinet with metal frame, and rebuild the front doors, to look like this .
  14. Im moving to Tauranga later this year / early next year and starting up my marine, i currently deal only with Wonderworld, but if there was another shop in Tga that had similar products i would shop there for sure. At the least they would be my first port of call.
  15. Thanks Sam. I thought it was a bit odd.. Owel, ill dry it all in prep for my marine
  16. Hi everyone, I just picked up another tank, similar to a juwel rio 240 (has the juwel stand) with a bigger custom tank, although its only just bigger.. Anyway. When i got the tank it came with all sorts of extras, including a heap of "dead coral rock". Most of its dry and ill keep it that way until i convert this tank to a marine, but one piece was wet and was in the tank when i got it, it was a tropical freshwater setup. Questions are : 1 is there any pros/cons to using coral rock in freshwater? 2 is there any damage done to the rock by using it in freshwater, or can you simply clean and dry it out, then start the cycling process to use it in a marine tank? Thanks heaps
  17. Magical photos. Any tips on taking them? What camera etc did you use?
  18. Thats the stuff im looking for! Thanks heaps guys
  19. Hey there, im buying a Nikon D7000, and getting into photography, I just want to know what lenses, filters, etc people use to get such beautiful photos of their fish? No doubt a tripod and a remote trigger, along with a 18-70mm VR lens, (or a smaller lens) with uv filter would be a good start? Thanks heaps for any info
  20. Dont know what it was, but late last week she was going mental, almost knocking herself out, so she got put out of her (and mine) misery. :tears: better for all I guess. Hope no one else has to look this thread up, sucks when there is no cure..
  21. Hmmm, it doesnt seem to quite match up, as its not constant, and shes not feeding at all anymore, her future is looking bleak.. :tears:
  22. Hello everyone, last week(ish) i noticed my monster Surinamensis swimming in tight circles, after watching for 30 or so seconds it stopped, now however it has started doing it more, and sometimes the circles get that wide (and fast) that it crashes into things too, it hasnt been eating (that ive seen), I spoke to my LFS and they told me to dose with Formalin, which I have done, now its calmed down a little, just sitting on the bottom of the tank - not doing alot. Has anyone else had this before? One person at my LFS said the fish is a write off, another said he has seen them recover. Any input would be great. Shey
  23. I feed mine 7days a week, sundays normally ends up being mid day when i wake up :facepalm: lol other than that 7ish am every day. even my BGK - should probably feed him at night but instead I feed in the morning too
  24. s3xtcy

    sore plec :(

    Thanks, he is quite fat and seems quite happy, gets his 2 or 3 plec tablet things a day and has heaps of hidey places he seems happy, though shy of any movement outside of the tank.
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