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Everything posted by herefishiefishie

  1. Had a look at getting some syn angelicus, the cheapest I could get were $250 each, "wholeasle" price. Thats Aussie $ too... I think I might give them a miss. So I just got 2 more peppermints, :lol: & good news today, emptied out a ceramic log, so more bristle babies Frenchy
  2. Cheers Andy, did think about it :lol: But there were 4 questions, all of different nature & I couldn't be bothered starting 3 new topics, but i tried to keep it short & sweet. There was one catfish question. Anyway thanks for the tip, :roll: Frenchy
  3. Welcome also form an ex-pat across the ditch. Frenchy
  4. welcome also from across the ditch, Frenchy ps; r yous every going to win the ashes, Im sick of these aussies carrying on....
  5. Is there , then sweet. Heva, try & track them down then, beautiful fish, pretty placid to for a cichlid too. They grow to 30 cm & are mouthbrooders. Keep 1 male with several females. I have 1- 20 cm male with 2 -15 cm females, in a 6 foot tank.though looking for more girls. Doc what is the damage on these in your parts???? As for Geophagus, keep a pair in a 4 footer, Ira's info is right too, they like to dig around the upper layers of sand, searching for food, ph 6-7.5,temp26-30 degrees & they like large shelters, eg;roots Frenchy
  6. (a) dont be sorry, I dont like em either. (b) I am not a fan of dyed fish, I think it is shocking, have read up on a few sites...myself. ©http://www.pub5.ezboard.com/bqldchiclids yes I know they spelt cichlids wrong, it is a very active site. Has its pros & cons. :roll: Frenchy
  7. Why put bird grit in if u have to keep replacing it?? Be easier to use calcium carbonate, most common substract used here in aussie. Frenchy
  8. Most tanks here are on a weekly water change, about 20-25% though the discus & ghost knife tanks are on a 4 to 5 times a week, little changes. Frenchy
  9. Hello & welcome Varun, Just a note do yous have tropical Marines over there??? Frenchy 8)
  10. There are a sweet looking fish, 8) plenty of sites around with information on them. Something else that looks like snapper, which is very close in colour & shape is the Red Devils(american cichlid). They breed like rabbits, agro buggers though, a pair will need a 4 footer to themselves. Then there are Frontosa,little different. (african cichlid) though I dont think there are any in "NZ". male gets a hump; black & white stripped fish with blue flashes. Frenchy
  11. Is that the green or orange ones. Frenchy
  12. A nice pair of big American cichlids would do well, you can still view them, they would come to the top at feeding times. They will breed to, look cool from above. I have also seen some setups here with plecos & catties in them, though not my cuppa tea. Frenchy
  13. good long term buffers, calcium carbonate, most people use here for there african set ups(buy as stone chip form), coral grit(cant get here now as its illegal), sea shells.....& the like. Frenchy
  14. (a) does someone have a list of what catfish are allowable imports into New Zealand. (b)cichlids rule,a few questions; I take it then you dont shop at "Aquarium Warehouse." :lol: Is there also a site in Aussie about warning others on dyed fish.....??? & finally do you go onto the qld cichlid forum?? Frenchy
  15. Could be Enviromental problems, Injury(though I doubt in this case), Fish Tuberculosis, vitamin deficiency or parasite infestation. Take your pic. Frenchy
  16. They retail for between(cuckoos)for $30 to $50 each, 3 to 5 cm. I got 7 for $150 at 4 cm, a while ago. Bit cheapier for me as a work at a l.f.s, though I have a couple of good sources in Brisibane, they get rarier stuff in, connections with importers & breeders. as for the angelicus,I'm going to aska good friend what he can get em for. I will let u know. Peppermints retail for about $50 to $60 each,3 to 4 cm, once again I got mine for $30 each.(breeder) U can See why cichlids are more popular, ah. I got some very nice red melons discus for $60 each. (straight from supplier) Frenchy.
  17. Pay to have bristles on there own unless you can keep up with the inspections on what they breed in. my case ceramic logs.Mine are in with cichlids, though not for much longer, I see the odd smaller one growing up, most get picked off. Frenchy
  18. I only have bristles, pepermints,cuckoos. How much are the angelicus over there??(very nice fishie too) I seen some over here at a lfs about 8cm $475 each or 2 for $900 :roll: Frenchy
  19. Welcome Cliff, always good to come across a cichlid keeper. Some sweet ones at that. Are your cuckoos & comps breeding?? Frenchy
  20. Thats why I came here I found the aussie women are easier than our sheep. "Got em yes" Frenchy
  21. heva how much water did you change,%. To much new water would stress them out. & during cycling should do weekly changes of small amounts, not do none 1- 2 months. Bad information given there. Frenchy
  22. 6 Months Joze, I am yet to find anyone who has cycled their tank that long. Heva just do as others have said & keep an eye on the nitrate/ammonia levels. Get to know your fish, first sign things are going wrong is heavy breathing & or white spot break out. Frenchy
  23. herefishiefishie


    Parents :roll: I have 2 - 4 footers at there place too. :lol: (thats all they'll let me have there.) Mum is starting to like em. Frenchy
  24. they still run those adds, been nearly 7 years since I seen that. She a cheap night out too, "is that the first or second wine".... :roll: Frenchy
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