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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. both skimmers are going sweet ill tune the tunze to run a little darke but it will still run wet and my AM will run dry Doing 180 litres today, one interesting thing is since the water change adding the first skimmer AM and dosing one amp of both bio digest and biooptim the bryopsis has started to brown off and DIE :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  2. Really coming along http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=927405&perpage=25&pagenumber=4
  3. i know some one with 2 flames and 2 coral beauties in a 350 litre tank man was he lucky
  4. Cheers, looks like one i know but its definately not, the person i got it from thinks its a BTA that hybridised with a diferent colour he has, he's got one huge one and 6 the size of tennis balls. Im thinking if its not E. quadricolor it he might have it wrong and its H. magniffica but i dont know this splits asexually or not.
  5. Getting there And heres a pic of my tiny new anemone Ben
  6. Haha well i just NUKED my tank, system is 600L all up and todays h20 change was 200L Gonna do another 200 next week and another the folowing
  7. almost 1/3 of the sand out, didnt put enough salt in the barreal so just witing
  8. with the sand and the rocks i will renitrify them in the bin at work, then the coral cascade
  9. Yeah Colt grown from a 10cm frag over the past 18 months
  10. pics as promised So i plan to run BB for a while and will use either Prodibio or Zeo for nutrient controll
  11. Head and lateral line ersion, after looking at the tomini tang he is on the track to a full recovery all erosion is gone he just needs to purty up. The Blue has a bad case of mange but with 6 diferent types of algae im confident hell get better
  12. About 1 or 2 months ago my tunze 9015 skimmer crapped out, a used an mce 600 for about 4 weeks which worked great. All the stock is healthy, but i have had all sorts of cool algae appear and one uncool sort BRYOPSIS i now have a new hydro foamer for the tunze and have restored my skimmer from the sump of death that i scored from work an aqoua medic marin 1000 (turbofloater 1000 Skimmer) The one good thing is all the algae is helping the tangs i rescued from work one with mild HLE (tomini tang) and a blue with sever HLE So tommorow i will install both skimmers, remove all sand and do a 150 litre water change. I plan to put pics up of before the clean etc. Some of the rocks with bad bryopsis i plan to remove with the sand clhorinate both and recycle then re use will this be ok ? Ben
  13. They both look awesome, Good job Fay Great to see a new pic of my ex big blue boy, one of the few fish that i have missed after selling
  14. what the http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=927405
  15. skimmers interesting, cant wait to see more
  16. Just goes to show t5's arent just a fad, looks mean man
  17. Went to JDM's place on the weekend several tanks in the house and its bone dry. The system works fantastic as well as the retail systems ive seen operating. Nice one bro
  18. If the cup over flows then the skimmate will be very very light and not htat much of a concern, also its not hat hard to empty the cyp once a week and, id rather have a dry floor and a full tank
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