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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. Haha upgraded the tank but still no filter on mine Gonna get some sand and a filter over the next few weeks, gonna have a915*450*450 eventually, si ill use a powerclear 50 or 70 HOB filter. I've gone from planted- discus breeding - REEFTANK - AFRICANS and i plan i doing an Amano style planted next year. Took me like 6 YEARS to warm up to africans, but im glad i got there in the end they have SO much character. Oh yeah just added a pair of royal blue peacocks, and a pair of P. electra to my demasonis :lol:
  2. Haha not quite i got sent a large fresh water wholseale cost list by accident they do better than the shops going from there mark up as it is, without increasing the prices when selling direct. And i imagine marines to be no different. ALSO PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE what has been written by someone when you QUOTE them, even if it is just making a word bolder
  3. What makes you think at all that we are not capable ? Umm im pretty sure we have the knowledge, Its just not worth the time effort and money
  4. Werent you planning on importing livestock ? Is it just too expensive ? Its just as cheap to buy from the wholsaler rather than set up then employ some one to look after it.
  5. Yes but, a huge amount of these people are coming into us for advice and buying there goods etc elsewhere, as i said i feel the shops support this hobby the most. My motivation is to sell people good healthy stock and get get cool new livestock in cuz its fun not profitable. I have to fight for the marines each week to keep them going. They could easily be turned into gold fish or trops
  6. I work there 4 days a week and steven who manages the entire fish room plus has excellent marine knowledge works 5-6 days a week.
  7. The thing for me is that its the shops that are working there best 7 days a week to get ppl into this hobby (working hard maintenance etc) The importers do a great service for the hobby we'd be stuffed without them, but they only do it part time, they have full time jobs remember.
  8. I am constantly fighting to keep the marines, vs its expense etc (honest) No rolls Someone like Fay is a great example, she buys alot of her livestock from us cuz she prefers the selsction etc, but buys all her dry good from down the road we will allways give her the best deal and advice we can no matter where any of whatever she gets is coming from (soz Fay) and i know down the road looks after her better than we can. We constantly get ppl in for advice and then they shop else where that is what i am talking about, it doesnt bother myself and steven because we know we are doing the absolute best we can to promote the hobby and keep the consumer and livestock happy. No marines at silverdale as we want to keep the level of advice and service (mostly advice) standard marines are just too specialised
  9. In central NI anyway (soz)
  10. Quite possibly (I cant speak for Fay) but i sat on that fish for probilbly 12 or more weeks, plus lost one from that shipment and bought three in total. I never doubted BIG BOY wouldnt make it in Fays tank and if after several weeks if not months of W Spot i probably wouldnt have replaced it but would have made SURE I LOOKED AFTER HER next time i saw her. Does any one here think that LFS dont have as high operating costs as the wholesaler if not more THINK AGAIN. It is my honest opinion that the two main marine shops in auckland play a bigger role in supporting this hobby than any one else concerened. And belive me it is a service that is offered there is basically no money in it. Look at the recent marines upgrade of a shop you go out and cost that plus spend the time to build it and add it up. Only to sit on stock for months plus loose stock plus operate. Also think that fish was $100 think again.
  11. Green M digita ? I must say Wasp i do like your colors not too washed out for zeo, what i hope to acheve when i finally start using the product.
  12. A nice bowfront is allway sweeeeet IMO, looks wicked, nice job
  13. I was buying from all the marin suppliers, have tried and would love to make a deal
  14. Soz in advance for this one Krama, just re read this thread Guess the proof is in the pudding
  15. I did try to support the local private biz you are probably talking of
  16. Woops forgot to mention JANSENS, the best and largest selection of marines in Auckland :lol: :lol:
  17. Youve got it wrong i support hollywoods aswell, plus any good LFS for that matter
  18. Yhaha would never wish to do that maybe a LFS one day
  19. Nah man theres only one person trying that and he can do what ever he want, no threat and most of the ppl i have spoken with that have dealt with that person are not that pleased
  20. ROFL thats it exactely my customers that dont know of this site are very very happy with the pricing, product and support
  21. Shouldnt they reduce the price and stock levlels to you, so you can clear the stock and pass that onto the consumer, if you had the retail support which the supplier seemed to it wouldnt have been a problem and no direct sales. Infact when this did happen i DID buy all the stock and it WORKED very well for everyone.
  22. How many of your suppliers do you support when you know that are tageting your market DIRECTLY
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