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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. was it a GARF article ? Just had a look it wasnt that but something similar.
  2. If i come across a juvenile i will most like do it
  3. dont use meth blue or malchite green treatments on BGK's it can KILL them the best thing you could do is qtine and use melafix i have had good success with this on these sp
  4. Well not safe with shrimp, one of the two went into a tank with a med size maxima and its sweet as so probably the other male. still basically reef safe though and well worth it IMO such a nice fish with great personallity
  5. Yeah it got munched on by a couple of blue throat triggers but hopeforlly it ill make it. I took the camera in but it was only a little merky so i didnt bother cuz it was nothing in comparison to the mess during the spawn
  6. Hope it works man, good luck
  7. The large Squamosa clam in the reef was spawning for about 3 hours should be interesting to see the mess tomorrow
  8. Anyone got a kilo of coke i mean calk going cheap ?
  9. Cheers man, used the camera a fair bit in thailand and Raro but first go in the tank
  10. Some close ups, the colours are not the best but they look really happy IMO
  11. one with actinics b4 the hallides come on and i get a chance to clean up the bottom and finish it off
  12. Dont ask i've been told 'not sure but it will be here before xmas' along with the red sea max nano tank and the hagen GLO T5 units and bulbs
  13. lol only got one rock glued and almost used it all up, problably would have been ok but i wasnt happy so i hosed most of them down :roll:
  14. got 90% of the sand out this arvo, and almost finished the rebuild i just have one more pillar to make over the next few weeks. Ill take some pics tomorrow Ben
  15. CLEAR PICS ARE UP http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=6757c4d9c00f85aaf60f1dfbd7717426&threadid=927405&perpage=25&pagenumber=5
  16. Having a smaller stand pipe will compensate for this, and if it flows more from some reason or gets blocked the extra weight of the water helps to flush the blockage (within reason) thats why you have to have a safety back up, just a free flow pipe above the normall water level, this way you WILL HEAR IT if it operates
  17. took some pics during beer o'clock This one has started to get a blue hue in the past week Changed from bubdle edge to normal whit growth edge over the past week was under the monti above and was very pale so will be cool to see it change frag for growth shots
  18. dogmatix


    LOL i just read this thread and all i can say is unbelievable :roll: :roll: :roll:
  19. ASW all the way i use red sea and will change to the red sea pro salt once it is in the country
  20. I have some the same but its not white on the base
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