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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. Bro no eyeometer wut u talking about Willis I use a highly technicle and very expensive guesstometer Lots of alge so no FTS
  2. Taken 17/10/06 Taken today 22/11/06 I tried to get the angle as close as possible, but it looks quite different IMO for a months growth
  3. Jizza you still on zeo or fully stopped now ?
  4. Dude BL Next time make individually wrapped up food parcels in glad wrap, one for each day. Best way IMO
  5. Definately, good on you for speaking up, Agree with a post a while back feel sorry for all of you involved but the rules are there for a good reason we are lucky that we live in such a unique and isolated place, hence the rules which although stoopid alot of the time have protected may of our native sp. Good luck and i hope they go easy
  6. no homer had learnt of email. it was the epi where homer hires a pi to stalk lisa
  7. olh yeah that addy was from a simpsons episode a couple of nights ago just wanted to see if any1 got it
  8. James i got a super green acro with blue tips
  9. Brake the rules be prepared to pay the price
  10. speking of freshies can you get your bro to call me or stephen at work weve got fish for him. Cheers
  11. Looks mint man, what kind of wood is the stand made out of
  12. Ive seen Laytons tank in person it's a nice tank and im sure he gets good growth, when i was there nice tips were observable. Shawns tank is a nice tank aswell but for what is basically a one year old sps tank it is in my book amazing. Great colour but more than anything as you said Duke the pics of his tank speak for itself, and his growth is just HUGE. I like, layton could show many pics of two part systems with huge growth but the same can be said for just Ca reactors, or infact just water changes and kalk top up. Personally i find ca ractor and kalk top up works best IMHO
  13. Try switched on gardener they sell MH bulbs for growing plants (funny that) Or give lamp specialists or lamp brokers a call
  14. lol good to know the right people :lol: What was it like $30 bucks or something
  15. I saw that Hollywoods had the caribsea ARM media, quite keen to give that a go once mine gets a bit lower
  16. Ive got a deltec PF509, didnt like it at first. Then i got a replacement pump free of charge and it is a beaut of a little reactor. Andwould definately recomend one. Why dont you get an RO/DI and just use clhorides i mean look at Crackers GROWTH
  17. dogmatix

    dosing pumps

    The IKS ones are very good
  18. looks mint bro, good work
  19. I think you should just harden up and do some decent size h20 changes, or move away from from that dirty high N03 waikato water :lol: Good luck bro im sure youll sort it out
  20. Dam thats a shame, tank was relly cool. I just scored a frag of his nice green M. spongodes (not his but the same sp and colour).
  21. The other thing i really like about Puttputt's tank is the colour his are great, IMO and he doesnt use any fancy nutrient controll
  22. I hate you even more now PP :bounce:
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