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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Hi Jambis and welcome to FNZAS forums. After seeing a few of your posts we think you're rather young yes? After some rather blunt and unkind replies Siran and I felt It'd be a nice Idea to welcome you to this fascinating and rewarding hobby and give you a few tips about this site and how to get the most out of it. Firstly, on the top right of your screen you will see a linky thingy that says *search* if you click that you can type in any question or word you maybe looking for and it will bring up any older threads that may contain that question. If starting a new thread always try and put it in the right section(there's no point in putting a question about Guppies in the salt water section for instance) Try and make the heading or title contain the question you're asking, that way people who can't help won't go in and realize they can't and get grumpy with you. And lastly if people have an idea of your age they may be more patient with you.(please ignore grumps like P44, he's a nice bloke really and very informative, I suspect he just needs to get out more and get a girl friend . We hope this helps Carlos and Siran.
  2. What are old power heads doing at Mitre10?
  3. Hi Jambls, do you mind me asking how old you are? Siran
  4. My pet hate on trade me is people who have the heading *HUGE TANK FOR SALE* and you go in and it a 200-300ltr.....pahhh, they wouldn't know huge if it fell on them....
  5. We put a female in with Basil brush (our male bristle nose)months and months ago, we had high hopes as they both disappeared into a cave for weeks, but then they both came out and it seemed nothing was happening. Siran was playing with the baby right under the tank this afternoon and just happened to notice a baby.....about 1.2cm long, so far we've only seen two. How big do they get when they start coming out, we were wondering if there's anymore to come or if these two are the only survivors.
  6. fantastic...but how do you get those photos? Trying to get a decent pic of our wee boy is almost impossible, he's like a fart in the wind. Will handling him more make him less shy?
  7. If you can't see any outward signs of rot I suspect it'll be OK, wood rots in water no matter what you do it's just a matter of time.. give it a good scrub and remove any loose bit and pieces, chuck it in your tank, from what I remember from other similar threads the salt in the wood won't cause any harm.
  8. Some trenches are up to 700ft deep. Probably not a good place to go spotlighting........as you're likely to have a AK47 pointed at your head!
  9. sorry, I meant largest amount of fish species. Though the Tiger Fish is Impressive http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/s ... s/06320_00
  10. Anyone seen this on Sky yet? Wow, what a river, by all accounts the lower Congo has the largest species of fish of any river, including the Amazon. And Scientists have discovered that it's the river it's self that has caused this phenom, due to it's massive white water and currents, each fish species has been isolated and unable to interbreed, creating new species. I know you can get the elephant trunk fish but is there any other lower Congo delta fish available to aquarists? I should imagine that it would be very difficult to simulate their environment.
  11. You're more than welcome to come have a wander around the farm's streams DJsurfs, as we usually go digging around most weekends, it can be really fascinating.
  12. I get a blank page as well. Maybe the site is having problems
  13. meh, you know how lunch is, it complained the whole way that it couldn't see out the bag, and then it complained about being eaten....fussy :roll:
  14. We decided to take our lunch for a walk on the farm today, and thought we'd share a few pics, enjoy
  15. anyone interested in a morning chat?
  16. I'd just do daily water changes until it's back to acceptable levels. Cut down your feeding regime to every other day, and add more plants
  17. Ours is in a AR850 with 3 YoYos, 2 angels, 2 Kribs and a CAE(which by all accounts is a nono) he gets on OK, he's the resident grumpy old bugger, and has a real dislike of the bigger Krib, who he chases whenever he can but she's a lot faster than him and it doesn't seem to upset her a lot. The CAE keeps him in his place if he gets too grumpy by chasing him right back. But generally it's a peaceful tank. My suggestion would be to have plenty of caves and to put the rainbow in last, like several weeks last, to ensure that everyone has their own spot first so it doesn't become territorial.
  18. perhaps so you can have a blue light for at night time, and turn the day time lights off
  19. try a different shop, there are dozens of master test kits available, ours is a aquarium pharmaceuticals brand, I've seen some on trade me. There are two freshwater ones on there at the moment, one from waikato, one from auckland. They have everything.
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