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Everything posted by N1CK

  1. I am thinking about making some from this recipie, has anyone ever tried it before?
  2. nice setup , I'm guessing thats a mister in the top left corner? I'm guessing its on a timer? i think a PDF type terrarium would be good for whistlers theres some really neat ones out there
  3. Slow LOL, another option for the top would be hatchets, or you could get a school of 10-15 rosy/gold barbs?
  4. N1CK


    glosso does need higher light to stay as a carpet, Hairgrass doesn't but will just grow slow. And if you get dwarf sag make sure its S. Microfolia, S. subulata can grow up to 30cm+ high
  5. lets say they grow very slowly you will be all good for quite a while haha zebra loaches will be good Breeding GBA will be fine, babys probably not
  6. You can move fish to other tanks
  7. so a 432 L tank wouldn't grow out 20 CL very well? I personally think it would be fine
  8. they eventually get to 30cm ish but grow rather slow 10 would be better if you want ot grow them out to a good size
  9. your annoying me as well!!! how deep is the water that it's in? and I can see your clown killie
  10. that was epic (so epic I have nothing else to say about it )
  11. N1CK


    Its fine as long as you outcross to other every 4/5 generations, its how to cement their genetics (for need of a better word :lol:). But its a bad idea if the parents have bad genetics And your title should be inbreeding and if you are trying to create a strain of colour/morph, Line breeding
  12. N1CK


    :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Hello again , plants are so much better than africans 8) (cept for maybe retarded eels )
  13. It should send off runners if it is happy
  14. N1CK


    Have you tried looking locally for a homebrew store? you will also need to find someone to fill up your bottle of pressurised CO2 when it runs out...
  15. they shouldn't get too stressed. If you are concerned about it move them to a bucket/poly box while you change some of it out as long as you are quick (or have a spare heater)
  16. Another good one would be water sprite, my gourami seem fine without plants on the sureface though...
  17. tiger barbs are one of the more agrssive barbs, something like lemon tetras (6 ish cm) or golden barbs would be better
  18. then you have to laugh maniacly and pat your kitty
  19. :hail: beautiful fish has he got some marble blood in him? or is it my imagination
  20. it means the filter is filtering for 61% of the fish bioload And on another note I laughed when I read the message for clown loaches :lol:
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