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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I offered to send him some more to keep his two company, but he hasn't risen to the bait yet! :wink:

    Oh rly?

    Zev- I removed the breeder net into an icecream container full of tank water after spending 5 mins trying to suck them out with a pipette, they're fine, getting less afraid of me by the day. I might like some more... :P

    And you call yourself an Administrator!

  2. I have the AL30D running on my 3 footer with 1x 4000k tube and 1x Bio-Lux tube (kinda pinky). Is that the 18000k tube?

    To anyone considering buying lights from the LPS or LFS, you can do DIY for much cheaper. I bought the AL30D for $130 and it was a second, made the whole thing on this tank for just over $45 incl. shipping. If you have the skills, give it a go.

    I'll have it Morcs! How old is it though?

  3. I got all my ideas from from various aquascaping websites, this tank doesn't even compare. The intensity of my light is only 18w but the total power of all four tubes is 72w. I put CO2 straight onto my filter outlet through an airline in my DIY reactor. You can add stuff like Flourish Excel, a liquid CO2 like supplement. The stones you see are probably diffusers, the only help disperse CO2, not create it.

    Zev- I removed the breeder net into an icecream container full of tank water after spending 5 mins trying to suck them out with a pipette, they're fine, getting less afraid of me by the day. I might like some more... :P

  4. I know how to do it, I'm great with planning. Everything works in my head and in theory my projects should come out great. I didn't think of asking someone to cut the pieces for me, that could help alot because I'm always a bit "nah, it'll be right, only 5cm's off". :o :lol:

  5. I'm not too flash with wood work, my creations usually come out uneven, lopsided and weak. Not the qualities you look for in an aquarium stand. So instead of paying $485 :o for a stand for a 2ft cube, I'd rather make one (or have one made cheaper).

    Here's my options:

    1. Buy one at $485

    2. Find another company that makes for cheaper

    3. Find a forum member that makes for cheaper

    4. Make my own

    Could I please have info on who else I could ask to make me one? (Carpenters, etc)

    Where do I get cinder blocks from?

    That's all for now.



  6. The tank I have seems far too big but it's the only one I've got. IF they even spawn, will the fry get lost? Could I let them do their thing and round up the fry into a net breeder?


  7. Well with 4 18w tubes and heapsa CO2, I'd hope that my plants grow fast! :lol: They kinda just grew and when they hit the surface, slowed down heaps. The Riccia really took off though.

    That's my left hand, I use my right hand to take the pics. It's just plain old Java Moss, it can be used as a floater but it kinda just hangs in the middle. I used a rubber band to attach it to the rock and it's holding on by itself now.

  8. I gave the plants their 1st haircut today :D and removed all the plants on the left hand side. Most of them had algae on the bottom of their new growth but I trimmed that off and now the divided Betta tank is full of plants 8). Had to move the breeder net out into another container and the two fry are doing well. They have grown heaps (1mm :lol: ) but are two different fish I think. One has brown and white bands (kinda like an aNEMOne fish) and the other has a lateral stripe :-? . Unfortunately I hit a clay ball when I was ripping up the old plants, hence the very cloudy tank. The hairgrass has spread right around the back of the rocks and a bit around the front, disturbed that too :evil: :roll: . Hoping that the blank area will fill in with hairgrass, might move the moss later too.

    Here's the tank before the trim:




    And here's it after:



    Enjoy :wink:

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