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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Haven't updated in a while :oops: but here it is:



    I'm not bothering with any macro shots, these pics are bad enough. Might use Mum's decent camera some time, maybe some long exposure shots.

    Plants are still scruffy but Rotala is growing fast, hairgrass hasn't done much but the Glosso is putting its roots down :D . Moved the wagtails in some time ago and the BN's not long after that. All is going well, got some healthy algae growth too 8) but when I tried to tie a little bit of Riccia to a rock, most of it was gone by morning. Will have to get more from the 54L and use a net or something.


  2. I know what he means 8)

    I've noticed that fish change their colour and behaviourd depending on their surroundings. For example, I had to move my BN's out of their tank (with dark grey gravel) and into a tank with light coloured sand. They changed their pattern to be more blotchy and lighter, they also seemed less active and wanting to hide more. The light reflection of the lighter coloured substrate can be bright for many fish and hence they change their colours to blend in.

    Now, how to change it. This has been a popular topic recently, try reading through some of those threads. The general method of doing it is removing fish into another tank or container with the heater, filter and tank water too. Remove old substrate, place new substrate, replace with old tank water, add filter, heater and fish.


    (Argh! Semi-nija'd! :oops: )

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