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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I don't think any fish NEED light expect (EDIT: some)fry which need the light for development. In which case the lights to should be left on for 12 hours+. I've heard of guppies getting all deformed due to lack of light so some breeders leave the lights on for 17 hours.

    Unless there's any plants you'd like to keep alive, lights aren't needed.


  2. Didn't wanna get involved but this one just popped into my head and I had to type it before I forgot it...

    Single Ladies - Beyonce

    "Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it

    If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it

    Don’t be mad once you see that he want it

    If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it

    wo oh ooh oh oh ooh oh oh ooh oh oh oh x2"

    :o :lol:

  3. The only reason for crossing HM's and PK's that I know of is to strengthen the rays in the cadual fin because HM's fins are prone to being weak. But the resulting offspring will be a mixture of HM and PK's and maybe some in the middle. Then if you breed the offspring with the biggest tail to another unrealted HM, they may throw some PK's.

    It all depends on the lineage really.

  4. The bigger the better really. If you can and would like to go bigger then I advise you to do so. If it was me, I'd have a couple of 1500x600x400mm (LxWxH) tanks and have larger schools of fish. The more fish in a school, the happier the fish will be (provided it's a schooling fish) and the better the visual impact will be.

  5. Do they work as well as the hang-on filters?

    Hang on filters usually have more capacity. This means they can hold more benificial bacteria and remove more solid particles from the water, provided they have the right media in them. So in short, yes, most HOB filters are better than internals.

    Can anyone recommend good and reliable brands and models?

    No sorry but if you're really keen on brands, stick with the ones you know.

    If we have an internal filter, do we need an air pump as well, or do they provide enough surface agitation on their own?

    Dependant on where you put the outlet pipe, they can produce enough surface agitation. You may wish to add an air pump if there are no plants in the aquarium or fish appear to be suffering from lack of oxygen

    Our tank is only 60L and currently very understocked, but I'm not sure how to work out what size filter we need, and I presume it is better to get one a bit big than one that is only just big enough?

    The general rule is to get a filter that can filter your tank's capacity at least 6 times an hour. This means you'd need a filter that moves 360lph prefferably more because the media will get clogged quite quickly.

    Hope that helped :)

  6. Like, do I breed delta to delta or can you breed different types together?

    You can breed any Betta splendens with any other Betta splendens, tail type is just a variety, not another species. It's favourable to have more pure fish with better defined tail types, colours, shape, etc. If it were me, I'd breed to a Halfmoon (HM), Super Delta, Delta or Plakat (PK) shortfinned.


  7. 200cmx30cmx36cm divided by 1000 = 216L

    200cm x 36cm = 7200 x 30cm = 216000 / 1000 = 216L/150 Phoenix Litres :o :lol:

    Great minds think alike! :wink:

    So a 2ft cube would be 60cm x 60cm = 3600 x 60cm = 216000 / 1000 = 216L :o What a coincidence, I just bought a 2ft cube...

  8. He might have a bit of crowning but CT wouldn't be the correct term. See if you can get some shots of him flaring where you can see his whole tail...

    Betta's need far less food than other fish like Danios and Tetras because they spend alot of their time resting and staying still where as Danios would use that time swimming around and burning up energy. It's much easier to control the amount you feed them when they're by themselves but if they're with other fish, don't let them get too much food.

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