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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Yay! Progress! :bounce:

    I used that "manky old" craft knife and cut between the brace and the tank on the front right hand side. The blade slipped into silicone and I just pulled it through. Can't find any other spaces big enough but will try again later. Will have to get a thinner blade also.

  2. Could I have some advise on how to do it.

    Do I just keep cutting away at the visible silicone on the inside until there's none left and then pull the glass off? Or is there a special technique? I'm not overly patient...

    Thanks for the offer Barrie but it'd be more hassle than it's worth. Seeing as I can't remove the sand from the bottom without causing more chaos, I'll just try myself thanks. :bow:

  3. Well I cut down the silicone from the left side down to a few mm, the right side has maybe 1cm? I can't get the blade between the two bits of glass but I can sort of cut away at some bits of silicone. Is it safe to do it while the tank's full or will I have to drain it right down again? Can't remove the sand at the bottom, hairgrass nightmare :o

  4. Woah, major chaos. If anyone's keen for a read then here it is.

    So I started off the day by asking my bro' if he'd like to switch rooms. He was reluctant but then I let him play on my computer so he came around. We dismantled his bunk bed and moved his million's of tonnes of junk out of his room into the hallway and dining area.

    We then broke down my bed, moved the matress out and tried to get the base into his old room/my new room. Problem no. 1, my bed is a queen, his old one was only a single. Therefore it didn't fit down the hallway so we had to take it outside through Mum's bedroom door and round into the kitchen and back down into the hallway, and we're not muscle heavy guys either. Once we finally slid the base into his room, the matress seemed pretty easy.

    We moved all his bunk gear into my old room and left it. Mum came home and helped him reassemble it so I decided to empty the 54L. I took out the two killi fry and put them in a container in the 3 footer. Caught all the others (2 rams, 2 ottos and a platy) and chucked them in the 3 footer too. Drained their tank, moved it to my new room and then noticed that Mr and Mrs. BN have decided to lay eggs. So I quickly caught all the fish (except one elusive ram, who's caught now) and put all the platies (5 of them!) and the two ottos into the net breeder and the rams into a seperate container.

    I also tried removing the glass braces from the top of the 54L but didn't even come close. So I just gave up, filled it back up and hoped it'd clear soon. Do I need to take the BN's offspring out too or will he be fine with them? I wanted to take the eggs out but they're in an awkard positions between the DW and a rock. To make matters worse, I smashed up a whole lot of glosso trying to catch the rams.

    *sigh*. That is my rant, could I please have some advise on how to remove the rim? I was using a razor blade but it was only removing the silicone.

    Thanks :hail:

  5. Thanks for the offer Morcs but I'd like to be able to take photos of the tank by itself, nearly nothing visible. If my plan fails then that could be my plan B. :bow:

    Turns out I might swap rooms with my little brother, far less sun in his room. Just have to see what he says about it though *fingers-crossed*

  6. I bet you can get the same things at Bunnings for a mere fraction of the price! :P

    I don't know, the walls just seems safer the the roof. Will upload a sketcup of my proposed room change. The tank needs to be moved out of the sunlight anyways, it's rather annoying having to cover it up all the time :-?

    Who gave you the pointy stick, where do they live and what are their weaknesses? :o :lol:

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