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Everything posted by Lucid

  1. My angels have spawned, i came home from work today and they have spawned. Trouble is they are in my community tank :evil: The male is currently protecting the eggs and occasionally shimmies up them( I assume this is the fertilisation process) Will he guard the eggs for long? I have heard people talk about removing eggs with razor blades, but trouble is they have stuck the eggs to the silicone in the corner of the tank. And as luck would have it the filter outlet is at this end of the tank and the flows over the eggs and there is an air stone fairly close aswell. I have spent most of the evening so far staring at the tank and the male angel and have seen him fanning the eggs occasionally, the gold barbs, and bolivian rams seem pretty interested in the eggs, but he won't let them any where close. The female also is trying to sneak past him to the eggs, is she gonna eat them, or is she trying to get back to lay more? I have never had angels spawn before and never really expected it to happen in my community tank( will think seriuosly about a tank of thier own now for the angel pair. All help greatly appreciated. B :lol: p.s Sorry for the novel. :oops:
  2. sorry dude, didn't load for me either sorry.
  3. Some updated pics of my planted tank and my main tank upstairs. This is my main tank upstairs This is the planted tank downstairs And Another The images are links to bigger pics, just for your info B
  4. it looks like it might be a type of syngonium(sp), I'm pretty sure I have seen it elsewhere as this. that rainbow looks good richard, any luck breeding it. B
  5. I think you will find that the liquid nails has solvents in it which will leech out into the water, not sure about the hot melt glue tho. If you get desperate I have silicone here that you can use to finish it. B
  6. very cool, indeed. How long do they hold it for, will the image still be visible in this thread inh 6 months time. Just Curious(sp) Very handy for one off pics, but will still be keeping my photobucket album. B
  7. Pretty sure this is the one you guys are looking for, looks different to mine, but mine is still trying to establish itself Heteranthera zosteraefolia http://www.dennerle.de/pflanzen/H10.htm B
  8. 2.4m WOW, thats the sort of tank I need to convince the wife to go for. can't wait to see the tank warren, looking forward to it. I will have some updated pics soon of my tank as I have got some new additions in there. B
  9. Any particular reason for it being in the trade and exchange section Alan, Are you trying to sell the problem that caused the death or is there a secret plot yet to be revealed. B
  10. I agree with Dubbieboy on the fact that this section is underused, but maybe if we expose those planties out there then we can get a bit of info pumping through here. B
  11. Forgive me if I have misread the above, but you have stated that your plants are growing fine and that you have to do regular prunings, why change what you are using. Changing a fert may cause your tank parameters to change aswell, and it may be detrimental in the interim or even long term. JMO Tho B
  12. Lucid


    Hi Nick and welcome to the forum, hope it stands up to our aussie counterparts and we see lots of you here. Will be good to trade info and see how it differs across the ditch. B
  13. How many people out there have a heavily planted tank or a tank devoted to just plants. Wouldn't mind seeing a few other tanks to see what people are doing, and sharing pics and ideas. I have a 900x450x450 tank which is planted and only has 2 pearl gourami's in it, it also has a large variety of plants in it, and I am running a DIY C02 injector which can be found here http://www.sydneycichlid.com/diy/diyyeast.html (A link to sydney Cichlids and brought to my attention by Jude, thanks for that one jude) also I am adding chelated iron at a drop every 2 days( info courtesy of Cees and Jude, Thanks guys) Currently I have 3 lights running, 2 x 3ft white flouro's and a 2 ft purple tube, the plants are growing like crazy and I am starting to prune them now. what do you do for your plants and do you have pics. Pics of my tanks can be found at the link in my signature or at the following thread http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?t=4197 Cheers B
  14. Lucid


    Looking at those suction cups I would say tank lighting and camera flash. not too sure about the genetics tho as don't know too much on genetics. B
  15. HI killifan, Not 100% sure but should survive outside no probs , and I haven't come acrogss any of my fish eating it. And just on a side note this would of been beter off in the plant section. :lol: B
  16. Thanks for that suphew, might give that a shot on one of the "other" tanks before brining it upstairs, worth a try tho as I have most of those bits lying round in the workshop. B
  17. Lucid


    Welcome to the fishroom, also see if someone could recomend a place down there that might do a quote for building one for you. Steve
  18. thanks for that shae, what is the lph on your magi, I couold be interested in that for one of my smaller tanks.
  19. I am looking at this auction on trad eme and was wondering if anyone has had any experiance with this brand or know of someone who has. I would like to use the 2 filters on my 3ft tank which is 900x450x450 and was wondering if these would make do in this tank untill I can scrape together the dosh to get a cannister filter. the link is http://www.trademe.co.nz/Lifestyle/Pets ... 908624.htm Feedback appreciated B
  20. Lucid


    They are fantastic aren't they kyle, there are some great guppies on that site are there not. www.aquabid.com if I am not mistaken. B
  21. it was a filter case shae, but got rid of it and now no filter. was the case off of a air driven. the trickle filter you r thinking of is on my teenage guppy tank. B
  22. I have to admit that the no filter was my idea as i have never had one on my fry tanks and just do regular water changes every week to a week and a half, and take the water from the bottom cleaning the muck up. this has been very sucessful and I have had no major losses to date( touch wood). Water is topped up with cold from the kitchen tap which is town supply. I must also say that it increases the hardiness of my guppies , I have ost a few bought from the lfs but not many of my ones i bred. B
  23. Lucid

    Image hosting

    photobucket is the best i've found so far.
  24. If I ever convince the missus to get a six footer will gladly pay for it to be made for me. lol :lol: Speaking of which I now nned to get cracking on the stand for the 3 foot as she has now decided she wants it up stairs with fish in it. lol It was originally for growing plants only in it and maybe a couple of bristlenoses, but she wants gourami's and tetra's galore in it. B
  25. lol Ira, they fit in well to the tank Most appreciated. B
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